Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Green Tourism International Seminar and Entrepreneurship Expo 2023 Proceeding

Green Tourism International Seminar and Entrepreneurship Expo (GTISee) 2023 Proceeding is dedicated to exploring the importance of green and sustainable investment in the tourism industry. It is crucial for all stakeholders in this dynamic field to understand the significance of embracing environmentally responsible practices, not only for the preservation of our planet but also for the long-term success of tourism businesses and the well-being of local communities. This forum will also delve into some key highlights of why this issue holds immense importance for all stakeholders involved. The seminar is expected to strengthen collaboration and provide a forum for academicians, professionals and researchers to discuss and exchange their research results, innovative ideas, and experiences to advance the tourism field in the modern world. The GTISee 2023 Proceeding consists of 4 research papers disseminated on September 26, 2023, with the theme “Leveraging Green Tourism and Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth”.
Susunan Dewan Redaksi
Steering Committee:
- Ni Made Ernawati, MATM, Ph.D
- Dr. I Putu Astawa, SE., MM
- Drs. I Ketut Sutama, MA
- Gede Ginaya, M.Si
- I Made Darma Oka. S.ST.Par., S.Sos., M.Par.
- I Ketut Budarma, M.Par., MMTHRL.
- I Ketut Astawa, MM
- Ni Nyoman Sri Astuti, SST.Par., M.Par.
- Ni Wayan Wahyu Astuti, SST.Par., M.Par
- Ni Nyoman Triyuni, MM
- I Made Budiasa.,M.Par
Keynote Speaker:
1. Jaziri Alkaf Abdillah Suffian, BCM, JPN.
2. Prof Dr. Habil Mohai Voda
3. Prof. Ni Made Ernawati, MATM, Ph.D.
4. Ni Luh Djelantik
- Muhamad Nova, M.Pd.
- Ni Luh Ayu Kartika Yuniastari Sarja, S.T., M.T.
- Sang Ayu Krisna Dewi Natalia, M.Pd.
- Putu Tika Virginiya, S.Pd., M.Pd.
- Raden Roro Rieta Anggraheni, S.Pd., M.Hum.
- Ni Nyoman Triyuni, MM
- I Gede Mudana, M. Si
- Dr. Dra. Ni Gusti Nyoman Suci Murni, M.Par
- Dr. Made Satria Pramanda Putra, S.H., S.E., M.M.
- Dra. Cokorda Istri Widhari, M.M.
PIC: Kadek Dwi Novianti Pradnyani, S.Pd., M.Eng.