Green Marketing as A Preference for Purchase Decision on Bamboo-Themed Accommodation in Ubud


  • Putu Dian Mitari Wiriyani Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Ni Luh Eka Armoni Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Nyoman Mastiani Nadra Politeknik Negeri Bali


bamboo themed accommodation, green marketing, purchase decision


The research entitled "Green Marketing as a Preference for Purchasing Decisions on Bamboo-Themed Accommodation in Ubud" conducted in 2023. This study aims to examine the phenomenon of bamboo accommodation that has developed along with the spirit of environmentally friendly tourism. Eco-friendly materials such as bamboo has a sustainable impact and reflects an exotic and high-profile accommodation. Social media and Online Travel Agent’s also helps to promote this exotic accommodation. Based on this phenomenon, researchers aim to determine the influence of green marketing on tourist purchasing decisions. The research variables consist of green product (X1), green advertising (X2), green brand (X3) and purchase decision (Y). The sample was taken using purposive sampling method and the number of respondents using the Slovin formula and 100 respondents were obtained in this research period May-June. In addition, observations directly and indirectly were made to determine Ubud-themed accommodations. The data was analyzed using SPSS V.26 with multiple regression analysis became quantitative research and discussed descriptively. Based on the results of the F test, the significant value of F shows a greater sig value of 285.276 > 0.050, so there is a simultaneous influence between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). The results of the T test show the sig value of each variable < 0.050, then the data has a partial effect on Y. The coefficient of determination obtained is obtained at 0.896 so it is concluded that the independent variables, namely Green Product, Green Advertising, Green Brand have a contributing influence of 89.6% to the dependent variable, namely the decision to visit. Based on these results, it was concluded that the most dominant factor in influencing the purchase decision was green advertising carried out by management and green brands being the lowest due to brands and names that were poorly represented. The test results show that each of these green marketing sub variables has a simultaneous and partial effect on purchasing decisions


