English learning model based on social media

Aly Imron (1) , Erly Wahyuni (2) , Selvie Ratna Ivone Mandang (3) , Majid Wajdi (4) , Budi Susanto (5)
(1) Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia ,
(3) Politeknik Negeri Manado, Indonesia ,
(4) Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia ,
(5) Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia


This research endeavours to address the pressing need for a tailored English language learning model for students enrolled in Polytechnic institutions specializing in Food and Beverage studies. Recognizing the pivotal role of English proficiency in global culinary communication, we aim to design a comprehensive learning model. This model harnesses the potential of social media as an innovative pedagogical tool to enhance language skills, equipping students with the linguistic competence essential for success in their field. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative research  methodologies. Initially, a thorough needs analysis was conducted to determine the specific language requirements of Food and Beverage students. Subsequently, an adaptive learning model was designed,  incorporating social media platforms as supplementary tools for language acquisition. The model was  tested within the curriculum of a Polytechnic institution, utilizing a pre-test/post-test design to assess the  impact on students' language proficiency. The results of our study indicate a significant improvement in the English language proficiency of students following the implementation of the learning model. Quantitative analysis of pre-test and  post-test scores revealed a statistically significant increase in language skills. Moreover, qualitative feedback from students and educators highlighted the model's efficacy in enhancing engagement and motivation, thereby fostering a more dynamic and effective learning environment. This research contributes to the intersection of language education and the Food and Beverage  industry by providing a specialized English language learning model. The innovative integration of social media platforms as supplementary tools demonstrates the adaptability and effectiveness of this approach.  The findings affirm the model's potential to bridge the gap between industry-specific language requirements and educational curricula, empowering students with the linguistic competence necessary for global success in the Food and Beverage sector. This study underscores the transformative potential of technology-enhanced language learning in specialized fields and lays the foundation for future  research and pedagogical innovation. Ultimately, this research seeks to empower students, educators,  and the industry at large, enriching the landscape of culinary education and communication on a global  scale.

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Aly Imron
mralyimron1234@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Erly Wahyuni
Selvie Ratna Ivone Mandang
Majid Wajdi
Budi Susanto
Imron, A. ., Wahyuni, E. ., Mandang, S. R. I., Wajdi, M., & Susanto, B. (2023). English learning model based on social media. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 7(2), 141–152. https://doi.org/10.31940/jasl.v7i2.141-152

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