Author Guidelines
- The manuscript is in English. It should be original and has not been published or under review elsewhere.
- No academic degree should be attached to the author's name(s). In cases where the authors come from different institutions, an index should be used after each name.
- Below the author's name(s) should be written their organization, institution/academic affiliation, and corresponding email address.
- The manuscript should be between 10 and 15 pages long, with 1-line spacing, Tahoma, font size 10.
- The title should be concise and clear consisting of not more than 18 words, typed in first capital.
The manuscript should contain the following:
- Abstract: It presents the purpose of the research in simple words and tells readers about the aim of this research. It also describes research methods, give name, brand, type of tools, methods, software, review, and survey that have been used to do this research. Write here about results and discussion in a few words. In the end, write a summary of your key findings. An explanation of why your findings and key message contribute to the field/s. No formula is needed and avoid quotes and extensive references (maximum 250 words).
- Introduction: Authors should provide an adequate background, and literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of the previous researches, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Please follow this guide to show the level of the section headings in your article:
- First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) should be in bold, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Second-level headings should be in bold italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Third-level headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Please DO NOT PUT LITERATURE REVIEW of different sub chapter. Authors can include the literature or previous research in the Introduction. This is very important. After you provide a brief introduction and the problem you want to study, you need to put previous researches (literature review) that had been done related to your research problem and how they are different from your research. This will lead to the novelties of your paper.
- Methodology: This section must be written out briefly and concisely but adequately so that it can be replicated. This section comprises explanation of the research approach, tools and objects under study, use of materials or components and instruments, conducts of the research procedure, the parameters observed, data collection, the design or approach, and analysis techniques. These are not theories. Any specific criteria used by the researcher in collecting and analyzing the research data should be completely described in order to produce clear basiss for the study under similar conditions. This section should be written not more than 15% of the body.
- Result: Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Results of data analyses can be presented in tables, graphs, figures or any combination of the three. The authors are advised to use proper variation in presenting tables, graphs, or verbal description. All displayed tables and graphs should be referred to in the text.What answer was found to the research question; what did the study find? Was the tested hypothesis true?
- Discussion: Intended to give interpretation and meaning to the results of the study in accordance with the theories and references that are used. It is not merely used to present findings. Interpretation should be enriched with referencing, comparing, or contrasting with findings of previous research published in reputable journal. It is advisable to integrate findings into collection of theories or established knowledge, development of a new theory, or adjustment of existing theories. Implications of the research findings are also elaborated.
- Conclusion: Conclusion is intended not only to repeat findings. It covers validation of meaning. It can elaborate a statement of what is being expected as proposed in the “Introduction” and what has been reported in the “Findings and Discussion” so that there is compatibility. In addition, this section can also present the prospects of enriching the research findings and developing the potentials for future research.
- References: Reference entry and quotation are arranged in square brackets using Mendeley. All that are referred to in the text must be listed in the reference list and all that are written in the reference list must be referred to in the text. It is adviable to use journal articles (80% of all reference entries) or prosiding from the last ten years as reference sources rather than books. The journal used as references should be at least 15 articles. The author is required to list all the references in the valid way according to the original sources. References are written in accordance with the writing system with the IEEE sytle.