Evaluation of local language learning in the Limola language revitalization

Satwiko Budiono (1) , Taufan Jaya (2)
(1) National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia ,
(2) Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia


Limola is one of Indonesia’s endangered languages, makingit imperative to pass on Limola culture and language to a younger generation. The Limolalanguage revitalization program in Sassa Village, Baebunta District, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province seeks to preserve the Limola language and culture by teaching the younger generation Limola drama, songs, and poetry. Therefore, this study evaluates the key performance indicators of Limola culture and language learning in the revitalization program to identify the identity of the To Limola society after learning Limola culture and language, and (2) evaluate the implementation of the Limola language community-based revitalization. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach that involved desk study data collection techniques and in-depth interviews with the participants and instructors from the Limola language revitalization program. A sociolinguistic in termsof language and identity research approach was taken to analyzethe data and explore the local content in the language learning materials. The data analysis was also based on the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model and language progress indicators to evaluate the implementation success. The results revealed that the Limola revitalization language learning materials have local content that strongly reflects the identity of the To Limola society. While the Limola language revitalization participants learned both the Limola language and culture, the implementation did not appear to have had a significant impact on increasing the interest of the younger generation in using the Limola language.

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Satwiko Budiono
satwiko.budiono@brin.go.id (Primary Contact)
Taufan Jaya
Author Biography

Satwiko Budiono, National Research and Innovation Agency

Satwiko Budiono is a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia). Previously, he was active in conducting language and cultural research at the National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation under authority Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Educational background Bachelor of Indonesian Literature and Master of Linguistics with specializing in Language and Cultural Studies from the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. Has a great interest in local language research in Indonesia, especially language mapping (dialectology), sociolinguistics, lexicography, language revitalization, and endangered languages. The author can be contacted by email satwiko.budiono@brin.go.id

Budiono, S., & Jaya, T. (2024). Evaluation of local language learning in the Limola language revitalization. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 8(1), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.31940/jasl.v8i1.20-30

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