Filtration Design Modeling Study with Variation in Number of Filters, Palm Oil Mill Effluent Meshing


  • Hajar Isworo Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
  • Muhammad Khalil Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
  • Ika Kusuma Nugraheni Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut
  • Kurnia Dwi Artika Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut


liquid waste, pollute, filtration


Processing activities of oil palm fruit into CPO produce liquid waste that can pollute the environment, so it is necessary to process liquid waste in palm oil mills. This study aims to design the filtration to overcome the existing pollution in the palm oil mill. The table shows the formation of 3 filter ABC formations has the highest speed of 6.419 m/s. When we place a large meshing hole on the first level, the speed and speed are smaller, this can be seen in the CBA, CBAC and CBACB formations. The meshing formation with a small size in the first position can increase the speed and pressure, we can see this in the ABC, ABCA and ABCAB formations so that the oil palm wastewater filtration process can run smoothly without a decrease in fluid velocity.



How to Cite

Isworo, H., Khalil, M. ., Ika Kusuma Nugraheni, & Kurnia Dwi Artika. (2022). Filtration Design Modeling Study with Variation in Number of Filters, Palm Oil Mill Effluent Meshing. Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun Dan Teknologi, 22(3), 260–268.


