A proposed integration of the event and project management body of knowledge


  • Sumei van Antwerpen University of South Africa




event management (EM), knowledge areas, event management body of knowledge (EMBOK), project management (PM), synthesised body of knowledge, conceptual research


The concept of an established international body of knowledge implies being updated with a respected good standing. The EMBOK (event management body of knowledge) may have some limitations in need of an update to be clearly distinguished. EM (event management) need a special kind of management considering the scope of the event industry with unfortunate event failures. The comprehensive nature of any body of knowledge (BOK) study led to a pre-study with respect to a conceptual integrated exploratory methodology. This provided the freedom to move outside conservatism to relate ideas, notions, theories, impressions and abstractions to the problem. The purpose was therefore not to obtain a final account but to propose a well-defined hypothesis for further studies. The conceptual data less structured casual observation, and an overview of secondary sources and literature. The overall exploratory study indicates a need for the update of the EMBOK also by means of the PMBOK (project management body of knowledge) or a synthesised event-project management framework (E-PMBOK).




How to Cite

van Antwerpen, S. (2023). A proposed integration of the event and project management body of knowledge. International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 7(2), 107–119. https://doi.org/10.31940/ijaste.v7i2.107-119