Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional2024-12-30T06:56:10+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan bidang Vokasional ini digunakan untuk menyampaikan hasil-hasil penelitian terapan dan inovasi terbaru. Selain sebagai media menyampaikan hasil penelitian, seminar ini juga mendapatkan narasumber yang berkompeten untuk menyampaikan isu-isu terbaru dan inovatif di bidang Teknik Sipil.</p> RISK ANALYSIS OF CONSTRUCTION WORKERS USING ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT METHOD2024-12-16T05:41:24+00:00ANIK WIDODO AYU RESTUTI<p>The rapid growth of the population in an area requires an increase in housing. This is a challenge for sustainable<br>housing construction. One of the responsibilities necessary is the risk management of work accidents in<br>construction. This study aims to determine the identification, assessment, and mitigation actions for the risk of<br>work accidents in housing construction. The data collection process was carried out by distributing<br>questionnaires to housing project workers in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. Identification of work accident<br>risk is carried out using the HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) method. Assessment of each<br>work accident risk using the ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) Interface method. Mitigation actions on<br>dominant risks are carried out in coordination with the project HSE. The identification results using the HIRA<br>method show that there are 17 risk factors for work accidents. Assessment of each risk using the ERM Interface<br>method resulted in 7 risk factors with low category, eight risk factors with medium category, and two high<br>category risk factors. Some mitigation actions from coordination with HSE on dominant risk factors include<br>installing warning signs in all project areas, conducting routine safety patrols, installing work area safety<br>barriers, and workers using body harnesses/safety belts.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BANJIR ROB TERHADAP PEMUKIMAN DI KECAMATAN UJUNGPANGKAH KABUPATEN GRESIK2024-12-16T05:59:23+00:00Mohammad Ferdaus Noor Fajrul Arya<p>Tidal floods, locally known as Banjir Rob, occur due to rising sea levels, inundating lower coastal areas.<br>Ujungpangkah District in Gresik Regency, specifically Pangkahkulon and Pangkahwetan villages, encounters<br>tidal floods that frequently reach heights of 20–70 cm for 5 days. This study aims to assess the effects of tidal<br>floods on the economic, health, and psychological aspects of Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. The<br>research employed a quantitative approach and collected data through questionnaires given to affected<br>residents. The questionnaire results indicated average scores of 3.33 for economic impacts (damage to<br>electronic devices, vehicles, homes, and loss of valuables), 3.19 for health impacts (diarrhea, fever, and skin<br>diseases), and 3.33 for psychological impacts (moderate level of trauma).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional INSTRUMEN PENELITIAN DAN POSTER SEBAGAI BENTUK MANIFESTASI MITIGASI BANJIR BENCANA PADA PENINGKATAN WARGA DESA KRATON KECAMATAN KENCONG KABUPATEN JEMBER2024-12-16T06:08:06+00:00Mohamad F.N. H. Agung. Dwi<p>One of the natural disasters that always occurs in Indonesia is floods. Floods are caused by unchanging<br />natural factors, such as geography, topography and river flow. Flood disasters are also included in hydrometeorological disasters. According to the Indonesian Disaster Information Data (DIBI), the National<br />Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) from 2005 to 2015, more than 78% (11,648) of hydrometeorological<br />disasters occurred, and 22% (3,810) of geological disasters occurred. According to the findings of the BNPB<br />study, flooding resulted in quite large losses, namely that there were more than 170 million Indonesian people who were threatened by flooding, and the value of their exposed assets was more than IDR 750 trillion. The results of this review became parameters for researchers to conduct pre-disaster mitigation research in the form of providing posters containing disaster mitigation material to communities in areas prone to flood disasters. The choice of poster media was because the information conveyed was easier to reach and understand by the public. In this study, researchers used a measurement tool in the form of a questionnaire which was distributed to 96 respondents so that initial understanding could be identified through the Pretest and improvements after being given poster media through the Posttest. The results of the data analysis showed that the knowledge value of the people who were respondents in this study was considered better and the Wilcoxon test showed that the results were <0.05, indicating that poster media was effective as a medium for supporting disaster preparedness in Jember Regency.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) 5D PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR TERHADAP PERENCANAAN TIME SCHEDULE DAN BIAYA (Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Kantor Camat Kuta Utara)2024-12-18T02:09:54+00:00I Gde Ngurah Pramudya Surya Wijayawahpram2000@gmail.comI Wayan I Gede Bambang<p>The increasing construction development requires construction actors to work faster and more efficiently<br>with output according to the client's desired target. One of the technological developments in the<br>construction sector is BIM (Building Information Modeling). The purpose of this study is to implement the<br>use of Building Information Modeling from the building visualization stage (BIM 3D), planning the work<br>time (BIM 4D), and cost planning (BIM 5D) in the North Kuta District Office Building Construction<br>project. The research method used is quantitative descriptive, which is assisted by the Revit 2024<br>application, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft project, and Naviswork. From the results of the analysis, the results<br>of BIM-based modeling, especially with the Revit 2024 application, help the modeling process or making<br>working drawings to be more efficient and accurate. The results of the quantity take off with the Revit<br>application showed a reduction in the volume of casting work by 2.29%, roofing work by 5.44% while the<br>reinforcement work increased in volume by 2.98%. The duration of the work is 170.6 ≈ 171 working days<br>which is 4 days faster than the conventional scheduling method with 175 working days. From the results of<br>the cost calculation with the implementation of Building Information Modeling, the planned budget is Rp.<br>3,591,657,446 while the conventional method is Rp. 3,607,082,911 so that there is a difference of Rp.<br>15,425,465 or a cost reduction of 0.427%</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KEBUTUHAN ALAT BERAT YANG PALING EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN PADA PROYEK SALURAN DRAINASE DI JALAN PIDADA, DENPASAR UTARA2024-12-18T02:25:40+00:00I Wayan Wiguna Putraiwayanwigunaputra@gmail.comIda Bagus Putu Bintanaiwayanwigunaputra@gmail.comI Wayan<p>The Pidada area is an area of North Denpasar District with a high population density. During the rainy season, this residential area experiences flooding and it recurs every year. One of the areas where flooding often occurs is in the Pidada road area, which is thought to be due to the drainage system's performance not being optimal. This possibility is caused by reduced drainage capacity during the rainy season, increased water discharge, and sedimentation. Based on field observations, it was also found that the increasing conversion of agricultural land into residential areas without consistent addition or improvement of drainage infrastructure resulted in disruption of the drainage system in the Pidada settlement. From the calculations described in CHAPTER IV, several alternative combinations of heavy equipment requirements for drainage work projects in the Pidada road area are drawn as follows: From the results of calculating the productivity of the Komatsu PC 78 Mini Excavator, PC 75 Excavator and Hino 130 HD Dump truck, it was found that the heavy equipment productivity figures were: Komatsu PC 78 Mini Excavator = 41.4 m3/hour, Excavator PC 75 = 24.1 m3/hour, Dump Truck Hino 130 HD = 4,289 m3/hour. From the results of the combination of heavy equipment obtained in alternative 1, it is more effective and efficient than alternative 2, which can be concluded as follows: Alternative 1: Total Cost for 4 Days = Rp. 54,080,000, Alternative 2: Total Cost for 6 Days = Rp. 69,120,000.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PEKERJAAN BEKISTING, PEMBESIAN DAN BETON TERHADAP PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG PADA PEMBANGUNAN SEKOLAH SD2024-12-18T02:36:46+00:00I Gede Yoga Saputrayogasaputraigede@gmail.comI Komang Sudiartasudcom77@yahoo.comI Wayan<p>In this structural work there are several work items including reinforcement, reinforcement and concrete work. Of the three work items are the main work on the construction of the building structure, therefore to find out the cost and percentage of the weight of each of these jobs. to find out the weight of each job that affects the cost and time of work issued by the contractor. In writing this thesis report, the study aims to obtain an analysis of the weight of formwork, reinforcement and concrete work on reinforced concrete structure work. The study began by conducting a survey of 4 school construction projects, namely SD 10 Sumerta, SD 14 Dauh Puri, SD 6 Sesetan, and SD 5 Ubung. This study raised a case study in an elementary school construction project in the Denpasar area. In this study, the data needed were obtained from observations, direct interviews in the field and surveys of the prices of materials used, and there was also data obtained from contractors including working drawings. The research conducted in this thesis is a quantitative descriptive study by comparing 4 construction projects. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been done, the results of each job were obtained. Reinforcement work is Rp. 502,180,642.46, formwork work is Rp. 248,593,891.44 and for concrete work is Rp. 237,879,115. while the weight of each structural work consists of 50.01% reinforcement work, 25.58% formwork and 24.41% concrete work</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERCEPATAN PELAKSANAAN PROYEK DENGAN METODE CRASHING PADA PROYEK APARTEMEN KIARA OCEAN PLACE2024-12-18T02:43:44+00:00I Nyoman Jaya Astamakomangjayaastama@gmail.comI Wayan Darya Supartakomangjayaastama@gmail.comI Wayan<p>The financial benefits of a construction company are highly dependent on the company's expertise in project execution planning. The process consists of time planning, budget analysis, implementation methods, and human resources. On the execution of the project, there is often a mismatch of schedules in the area which can cause an increase in time and cost overruns in project execution. One of the most common causes of delays is weather.To solve this problem, the first thing that can be done is to increase the project execution time. To increase the project execution time, there are several alternatives that can be taken, namely by using the Crashing method. The results of this research are the time that was obtained after the addition of working hours with the alternative of increasing the number of workers and increasing working hours (overtime). Expansion with the addition of the number of workers resulted in a duration of 320 days with a normal duration of 365 days has a difference of 40 days and the cost obtained is IDR 81,003,662,000.00 from the normal cost of IDR 81,000,000,000.00 has a greater difference of IDR 3,662,000.00. While expeditation with the addition of working hours (overtime) results in a duration of 313 days with a normal duration of 365 days has a difference of 52 days and the cost obtained is IDR 81,014,823,025.64 from the normal cost of Rp 81,000,000,000.00 has a greater difference of IDR 14,823,025.64.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KOEFISIEN TENAGA KERJA PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR KOLOM BERDASARKAN AHSP 2023 DAN LAPANGAN (Studi Kasus: Pembangunan Villa Solair Pererenan Badung Bali)2024-12-18T02:52:29+00:00I Wayan Surya Artaiwayansuryaarta02@gmail.comI Wayan Aryaiwayansuryaarta02@gmail.comI G A. Neny<p>Every construction project implementation always involves human resources, namely the construction workforce consisting of foremen, head craftsmen, craftsmen and workers. Lack of labor can cause project delays and cause losses in the implementation of construction projects. Productivity is a fundamental factor that can influence competitive performance in the construction sector. Therefore, an organization/company must know the performance of its workforce to avoid project delays. The aim of this research is to determine the comparison of the coefficient of labor productivity in the column structure work for the Villa Solair Pererenan Badung Bali Construction project. The method used in this research is direct observation to find the volume, duration of the number of workers and productivity per day. , in column structure work from steel, formwork and casting. The coefficient value in the field of column filling work for the work group of workers, craftsmen, head craftsman and foreman respectively is worker = 0.009 OH, craftsman = 0.006, OH, head craftsman = 0.0006 OH, foreman = 0.0003 OH. Meanwhile, the AHSP 2023 (Unit Price Analysis) values are worker = 0.007 OH, craftsman = 0.007 OH, head craftsman = 0.0007 OH, foreman = 0.0004 OH. The productivity coefficient percentage for workers is 0.2%, for craftsmen it is 0.1%, for head craftsmen it is 0.01%, and for foremen it is 0.01%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional TANAH LEMPUNG BUKIT JIMBARAN DENGAN VARIASI CAMPURAN AIR LAUT, LIMESTONE, KAPUR PADAM, ABU SEKAM, SEMEN TYPE I DAN LIMBAH GYPSUM2024-12-13T04:06:17+00:00I Gusti Agung Manubawa Kertanegarakertanegaraigusti2104@gmail.comI Wayan Wiragakertanegaraigusti2104@gmail.comI.G.A.G Surya Negara Dwipa<p><em>In addition to having very low soil bearing capacity, clay soil also shows plasticity and cohesion properties and has high shrinkage and expansion. Water content greatly affects clay soil. At high water content, clay soil will expand due to the air pores in the soil being completely filled with water and at low or dry water content it will shrink and the soil will become cracked. </em><em>This study aims to determine the characteristics of the physical properties of Bukit Jimbaran soil before and after stabilization with sea water, limestone, slaked lime, rice husk ash, type I cement and gypsum waste and to analyze how much the Plasticity Index value of Bukit Jimbaran soil decreases after being stabilized with sea water, limestone, slaked lime, rice husk ash, type I cement and gypsum waste. </em><em>The results of the research and data analysis showed that the Bukit Jimbaran soil before stabilization was fine-grained soil with moderate to poor gradation and had a Liquid Limit (LL) value of 82.7% with a Plasticity Index (PI) of 48.41% according to USCS which is Fine-Grained Clay with High Plasticity. After the addition of sea water, limestone, quicklime, rice husk ash, type I cement and gypsum waste to the clay soil as a whole can change the physical properties of the soil (index properties), such as then there is an increase in soil Specific Gravity (Gs), overall the higher the addition of additional material percentage variations will increase the changes in soil consistency properties (atterberg limits) of Bukit Jimbaran clay soil, namely a decrease in the liquid limit value (LL), as well as a decrease in the Plasticity Index (PI) value and soil consistency limit test [Atterberg Limit (LL, PL, SL)], that the greater the addition of additional material percentage variations, the plasticity index (PI) value will decrease, this means that the addition of Limestone, Quicklime, Rice Husk Ash and Type I Cement to the soil will be able to reduce plastic properties and shrinkage and expansion with data on Plasticity Index Decrease The largest decrease in the plasticity index value is in the stabilization of Bukit Jimbaran-Badung clay soil against Gypsum Waste 18.72% which was originally clay soil without Gypsum Waste stabilization with a Plasticity Index (PI) of 48.41%, there was a decrease of 29.69%, (from the initial plasticity index). And the second in the stabilization of Bukit Jimbaran-Badung clay soil against additional material of Kapur Padam Cement of 18.92% there was a decrease of 29.49% (from the initial plasticity index) and the third with the addition of Type I Cement material with a Plasticity Index (PI) of 26.52%, there was a decrease of 45.22% (from the initial plasticity index), then the fourth in the stabilization of Bukit Jimbaran-Badung clay soil against additional material of Sea Water with a Plasticity Index (PI) of 26.52% or a decrease of 21.89%, (from the initial plasticity index) the fifth stabilization of Bukit Jimbaran-Badung clay soil against additional material of Limestone with a Plasticity Index (PI) of 32.51% or a decrease of 15.90% from the initial plasticity index and the last is with the addition of Ash Rice Husk material Plasticity Index (PI) 35.25%. According to the research results, the most effective materials in reducing the plasticity index are slaked lime and gypsum waste.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional METODE FAST TRACK PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN PASAR CANGGU2024-12-18T03:07:49+00:00I Putu Bagus Bisma I Made Suardana Ir. P. D. Pariawan<p>The success of a development project depends on the selection of the right construction execution approach to ensure smooth and efficient construction. One of the methods that can be used is the fast track method where this method can save costs and time for the implementation of development. A fast track strategy allows the process to run simultaneously or overlap with project scheduling to speed up execution and reduce costs. Data analysis began by conducting a literature study related to the acceleration of the completion time of construction projects. Identifying problems that may occur so that anticipatory actions are needed, namely accelerating the project completion time in the construction project planning analysis. Formulate a formulation of problems related to accelerating the completion time of construction projects. Collect primary and secondary data. Application of the Fast Track method. Analyze project performance against cost and time using the Earned Value method. The results obtained (1). The effect of the implementation of construction with the fast track method on the Pasar Canggu development project is the acceleration of the project time duration caused by changes in the duration and linkage of the work. (2). Time efficiency can reduce 41 days or can accelerate up to 22.7% of the scheduling time under normal conditions of 180 days.and cost effectiveness, which is Rp. 72,433,333.33 or a savings of 0.86%</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA, WAKTU DAN TENAGA KERJA ANTARA METODE BIM REVIT 2021 DAN KONVENSIONAL (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangunan USB SMAN 2 Sukawati)2024-12-18T03:19:44+00:00I Nengah Ananta Kusumaanantainengah@gmail.comMade Wayan<p>Quantity calculations mostly use conventional methods which require quite a lot of time and labor. To save time and reduce the number of workers, there are other methods that can be used, one of which is using the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method. In this research, the author compared the cost, time and labor of structural work between conventional methods and BIM methods using Autodesk Revit software based on the quantity produced by each method. The author made a comparison of the quantity, cost, time and labor for the USB Construction project at SMAN 2 Sukawati, a 3-story building and a 1-story semi-basement building. After conducting an in- depth analysis of the concrete quantity calculation using the BIM Revit method, the ratio was 1.26% compared to the conventional method calculation and for the reinforcement quantity it was 2.95%. Meanwhile, the cost has a difference of IDR 57,873,954.11, the implementation time is 7 days and the workforce is required for 2 people. Based on the results of this analysis, the use of the BIM method with Autodesk Revit is more effective.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PRODUKTIVITAS KOMBINASI CONCRETE PUMP DAN TRUCK MIXER PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN BALI INTERNATONAL HOSPITAL SANUR2024-12-18T03:25:56+00:00I Wayan I Made Tapa Yasatapayasa_bali33@yahoo.comYuliana<p>The phenomenon of the use of heavy equipment concrete pumps and truck mixers in the field and seen from the considerable differences in the previous research, this study was conducted to find out: .The results of this analysis are (1) Truck mixer with a total of 6 fleets pumped using a concrete pump long boom of 70.35 m3/hour, Truck mixer with a total of 6 fleets pumped using a standard concrete pump of 80.70 m3/hour, Concrete pump longboom 30.86 m3/hour, Standard concrete pump 32.05 m3/hour, Combination of 12 truck mixer fleets with 2 Concrete pump is planned to be 100 m3/hour and the realization is 62.88 m3/hour. (2) the comparison of the planned productivity (100 m3/hour) with the realization (62.88 m3/hour) using a combination of 2 concrete pumps and 12 truck mixers, the duration required for LINAC wall casting with a volume of 540 m3, which is for 8.9 hours and the operational cost of the realization tool (Rp. 12,160,960.00) is greater than the plan (Rp. 7,651,840.00.) It is recommended to use an alternative combination of 3 concrete pumps and 12 truck mixers with the results of a productivity analysis of 94.5 m3/hour with a faster duration (5.7 hours) and a lower cost (Rp 11,703,216.00)</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN UPAH TENAGA KERJA HARIAN DENGAN BORONGAN BERDASARKAN RENCANA ANGGARAN BIAYA (RAB) PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN UNIT SEKOLAH BARU SMAN 12 DENPASAR2024-12-18T03:35:30+00:00Ni Putu Mutiara Nadi Masmutiaranadi05@gmail.comI Komang Sudiartamutiaranadi05@gmail.comAnak Agung Ngurah Roy<p>There are several types of wages in construction projects, namely providing wages on a daily basis. There are also wages in bulk. Contractors must be careful in providing wages to workers, so that the work is in accordance with time, in accordance with what is planned and profitable. Therefore, a comparison of the cost of work for the construction project of the new school unit of SMAN 12 Denpasar, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Pemecutan Kelod Village, West Denpasar, Bali was made. Between the Survey RAB on a daily wage basis and wholesale based on the RAB Plan. Analysis of cost calculation in the New School Unit Construction Project of SMAN 12 Denpasar, between the value of the Planned RAB and the RAB results of the Daily Wage Method survey, the cost of using the Daily Wage Method is more economical compared to the Wholesale RAB of Rp. 1,377,000 or 0.7%</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional EVALUASI DESIGN GEDUNG SMK AL-ISTIQOMAH NW MAMBEN BARU 2024-12-19T05:47:26+00:00Andra M. Juventino Arsyadandraoril@gmail.comIr. I Made Suardana Kader,M.T.andraoril@gmail.comAnak Agung Putri Indrayanti, S.T.,<p>Desain struktur bangunan merupakan perencanaan bangunan yang melalui berbagai tahapan perhitungan <br>dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai variabelnya sehingga didapatkan konstruksi yang berdaya guna sesuai <br>fungsi kegunaanya. Evaluasi design gedung SMK Al-Istiqomah NW Mamben Baru meliputi sloof, kolom, <br>balok, ring balok, dan pelat lantai. Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab getaran yang terjadi <br>pada plat lantai 2 serta menganalisis penampang struktur beton bertulang pada gedung SMK Al-Istiqomah <br>NW Mamben Baru. Analisis statika struktur menggunakan software Structural Analisis Profesional (SAP) <br>2000 version 2014. Hasil dari evaluasi yang didapat getaran yang terjadi pada pelat lantai dikarenakan <br>ketebalan pelat lantai yang tidak sesuai dengan ketebalan minimum yang dihitung, penulangan tumpuan <br>dan lapangan arah x P10-140, penulangan tumpuan dan lapangan arah y P10-150. 2. Analisis yang <br>dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi SAP2000 v.14 menunjukkan kegagalan geser, puntir, & tekan <br>yang terjadi pada semua elemen struktur beton bertulang Metode perkuatan struktur beton bertulang yang <br>dapat dilakukan yaitu steel jacketing, concrete jacketing, dan Fibre Reinforced Polyme.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KELAYAKAN INVESTASI VILLA YAMADA PERERENAN KABUPATEN BADUNG 2024-12-19T05:56:54+00:00I Made Dana Jaya jayadana660@gmail.comIr.P.D. Pariawan S. Msc. MIHTjayadana660@gmail.comAnak Agung Putri Indrayanti, ST,<p>This research focuses on the feasibility of project investment to minimize the risks involved in making <br>investment decisions. Financial analysis is needed to measure the feasibility of investing. This research <br>aims to determine the amount of costs required for the construction of villas and the feasibility of investment <br>which will be reviewed from several aspects as well as the time to reach the break-even point.This research <br>is a qualitative descriptive research using statistical data. The data sources used are primary data in the <br>form of interview and survey results and secondary data in the form of tax reports and IMB. The analysis <br>technique used is financial analysis technique.The results showed that the decision to invest in Villa <br>Yamada was said to be financially feasible after reviewing the aspects of NPV (Net Present Value), BCR <br>(Benefit Cost Ratio), PP (Payback Period) and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) as well as the achievement of <br>BEP (Break Even Point) which did not exceed the specified investment period.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional Building Information Modeling (BIM) Pada Perhitungan Kuantitas Tulangan dan Beton Proyek Gedung SMPN 7 Mengwi 2024-12-19T07:24:38+00:00Ni Wayan Dessy Suta Anggrenidessysuta312@gmail.comI Nyoman Ardika,ST.,MTdessysuta312@gmail.comAnak Agung Ngurah Roy Sumardika,SH.,<p>The quantity calculations on construction projects still use manual methods (semi-digital) which <br>in fact require a lot of time and labor. To streamline time, currently it has been developed and has been <br>applied in various large projects, namely one of the methods used by Building Information Modeling (BIM). <br>In this research, the author applies BIM to the calculation of the quantity of concrete and reinforcement <br>using Autodesk Revit software, to get a shorter time and more accurate volume. The author calculates the <br>quantity of concrete and reinforcement structural elements in the SMPN 7 Mengwi Building project. The <br>use of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method with Autodesk Revit can model concrete structural <br>elements and reinforcement in 3D and can produce accurate quantities of concrete and reinforcement so <br>as to shorten the process of calculating the quantity of concrete and reinforcement.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional INVESTASI EXCAVATOR KOMATSU PC-200 PADA PERUSAHAAN PT. TRIJAYA NASIONAL BADUNG2024-12-19T07:32:06+00:00I Wayan Restu Kumaraluwihrestu@gmail.comAnak Agung Putri Indrayantiajung_putri@yahoo.comEvin Yudhi<p>Excavators are involved in excavation work as a tool for digging soil. Having heavy equipment has <br>a relationship with choosing to rent heavy equipment or buy heavy equipment which is used as a <br>long-term investment by the heavy equipment owner. In calculating heavy equipment investment <br>analysis, several things must be calculated and analyzed such as the NPV (Net Present Value), BCR <br>(Benefit Cost Ratio), Discounted PBP (Payback Period), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and <br>Sensitivity Analysis. If all these things have been taken into account, it can be said that the investment <br>will make a profit or suffer a loss. This research was conducted to determine: (1) Evaluation of the <br>feasibility of investing in Komatsu PC-200 excavator heavy equipment at PT Company. Trijaya <br>Nasional Badung, (2) When will the break-even point be achieved from the BEP (Break Event Point) <br>investment in the Komatsu PC-200 excavator heavy equipment rental business at the Company PT. <br>Trijaya National Badung. After conducting the research, it was obtained: (1) NPV worth <br>2,656,135,298.57>0, BCR worth 1,452>1, Discounted PBP worth 2 years, IRR worth 22.95% > 6% <br>and sensitivity analysis on Cost increases 10% fixed benefits obtained NPV worth 2,167,943,430.28 <br>and BCR worth 1,341, Cost remains benefit decreased 10% obtained NPV valued at <br>1,812,050,498.57 and BCR valued at 1,309, and Cost increased 10% benefit decreased 10% <br>obtained NPV valued at 1,323,858,630.28 and BCR worth 1,208. (2) From the results of the analysis <br>that has been carried out, the Break Event Point (BEP) occurred in the 2nd year.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional POTENSI BAHAYA ERGONOMI UNTUK K3 PADA PEKERJAAN RANGKA ATAP PROYEK ICON MALL BALI BERBASIS SNI 9011-2021 2024-12-19T07:46:39+00:00Ida Bagus Nyoman Widnyanaidabaguswidnyana02@gmail.comProf. Dr.Ir. Lilik Sudiajeng, Yudhi Setyono, S.Pd.,<p>Construction projects are a series of work activities that have high work risks, one of which is <br>work accidents. Fatal work accidents in the construction industry occur every year. At the same time, <br>relatively recent occupational diseases, such as skeletal muscle disorders (gotracs) increase by up to 40%, <br>while 60% are a combination of accidents and other occupational diseases. The gotrak is generally caused <br>by ergonomic hazards which are influenced by ergonomic factors. Therefore, this study aims to measure <br>and analyze the potential hazards of ergonomics and the category of ergonomic risk levels in roof truss <br>work in the Icon Mall Bali project. The subjects of this study are all workers of the Icon Mall Bali Project <br>Roof Frame using the method of distributing questionnaires and conducting direct observations/interviews <br>with workers. However, the results of the implementation of the regulation have not been optimal, this is <br>due to the discrepancy between the results of the questionnaire distribution to respondents and the photo <br>documentation of worker postures. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the posture of workers based <br>on SNI 9011:2021 or research that uses quantitative objective methods that only assess from work posture. <br>Thus, the results of this study stated that the potential hazards of the ergonomics of the Roof Truss work in <br>the Icon Mall Bali project are related to the posture of workers. Meanwhile, the category of the level of <br>ergonomics implementation for K3 Roof Truss work based on the results of the questionnaire distribution <br>is satisfactory with an average score of 0.39 – 1.23 (<3) which means that the workplace condition is safe, <br>but based on the results of SNI 9011: 2021-based analysis of worker posture, Roof Truss and Roof Cover <br>workers are still found to have working conditions that require immediate improvement.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional MANAJEMEN MATERIAL PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG DAN SARANA PRASARANA KANTOR IMIGRASI KELAS II TPI SINGARAJA2024-12-19T11:47:59+00:00Ni Kadek Putri Melaniptrimelani9c@gmail.comProf. Dr.Ir. Lilik Sudiajeng, Yudhi Setyono, S.Pd.,<p>Material management planning encompasses material requirements, material quality, material <br>costs, and the quality of materials on-site. Effective selection and planning can achieve the project's goals <br>and objectives with efficient resource use and optimal results in terms of cost, quality, and time. <br>Inadequate management practices can lead to delays in project completion, cost overruns, and <br>construction quality issues. This study aims to develop material requirement planning, material <br>procurement, material storage, and material control systems for the project, by examining the case of the <br>construction of the Class II TPI Immigration Office building and infrastructure in Singaraja. Material <br>management planning begins with the selection of materials in accordance with technical specifications <br>and the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), calculating material requirements, scheduling material needs, material <br>procurement schedules, and material control systems. The data were analyzed using quantitative <br>descriptive analysis, and the results indicate a cost deviation between the planned material requirements <br>and the actual material needs in the field, resulting in a cost reduction is Rp. 877.171.914,- where the <br>initial planned material requirement cost was Rp. 12.415.468.294,- and the actual material requirement <br>in the field amounted to Rp. 11.538.296.381,-.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL PADA INVESTASI UMADHATU RESORT DI DESA MEGATI, KECAMATAN SELEMADEG, KABUPATEN TABANAN2024-12-19T07:59:08+00:00A’isyah Rina Wardanirinawardani.04@gmail.comGede<p>Investments generally require considerable funds and a long period of return so it is necessary <br>to conduct a feasibility analysis to project whether the investment is profitable or not, where the feasibility <br>analysis usually involves the calculation of financial feasibility parameters. In this study, the investment is <br>the construction of Umadhatu Resort located in Megati Village, East Selemadeg District, Tabanan <br>Regency. The research design used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection using <br>observation and interview methods. The data required are the costs incurred and the benefits obtained. <br>From these data, the feasibility of investment can be analyzed in terms of financial aspects such as Net <br>Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Benefit Cost Ratio, Discounted Payback Period, Break Event Point, <br>and sensitivity analysis. The results of this study obtained an NPV calculation of Rp11,499,949,104, BCR <br>obtained a result of Rp1.27%, IRR obtained a result of Rp28,22%. From the DPP calculation, BEP occurs <br>in 7 years and 5 months. The results of the sensitivity analysis with changes in the parameters of the <br>percentage increase and decrease in costs and benefits by 10%, 15%, and 20% meet NPV> 0 and BCR> <br>1. From the results of the study, it can be declared feasible because it meets the indicators of investment <br>feasibility.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional ANALISIS PEMILIHAN MODA TRANSPORTASI PERJALANAN KE KAMPUS WARMADEWA (STUDI KASUS: CIVITAS AKADEMIK FAKULTAS TEKNIK) 2024-12-19T11:51:57+00:00I Wayan Krisna Winantakrisnawinanta10@gmail.comI Gede Made Oka<p>In traveling to the Warmadewa University, the academic community is faced with various choices <br>of transportation modes. The many choices of modes used to travel to campus will certainly affect the <br>existing traffic system. This condition also has the potential to increase the volume of vehicles heading to <br>the Warmadewa University campus every year. This study aims to determine the selection of transportation <br>modes for the academic community of the Faculty of Engineering, Warmadewa University in traveling to <br>campus. This research method uses quantitative methods. The sampling technique used simple random <br>sampling technique, with a total sample of 100 people from the academic community of the Faculty of <br>Engineering, Warmadewa University. data collection was carried out using the analytical hierarchy <br>process method. Respondents were mostly male (75%) and the majority of respondents were students <br>(89%). Most respondents used motorcycle mode (84%) and the majority of respondents' travel duration <br>was 30 minutes - 1 hour (39%). The results of data analysis using Expert Choice v.11 software showed that <br>the main priority for the Academic Community of the Faculty of Engineering Warmadewa in choosing the <br>mode of travel at the criteria level was the cost criterion with the highest weight of 34.8%, the safety <br>criterion of 25.3%, the time criterion of 24.9%, and the comfort criterion of 15%, with the Inconsistency <br>ratio value as high as 34.8%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional AKTIVITAS PARKIR PASAR SENI UBUD TERHADAP KINERJA RUAS JALAN RAYA UBUD GIANYAR2024-12-19T11:55:50+00:00Ni Putu Almira Jesslyn Maharanijesslynmaharani5@gmail.comPutu Hermawatijesslynmaharani5@gmail.comFransiska<p>Ubud is an area with a high level of busyness and often experiences traffic jams caused by high traffic <br>volumes and vehicles of visitors to the Ubud Art Market that are parked on the road so that the road capacity <br>is reduced. The peak of parking volume that affects traffic on Ubud Highway usually occurs during peak <br>hours such as 13.00-15.00 noon and 17.00-19.00 at night. This study aims to determine the effect of road <br>parking on the level of road service Due to parking on the road body, the capacity of Ubud Highway has <br>decreased by 33.92% or 1265.36 smp/h and Monkey Forest road has decreased by 37.63% or 1309.35 <br>smp/h. The width of the road is reduced due to parking and side obstacles become high and there is no <br>availability of off street parking for cars. The existing condition of road performance on the Ubud Highway <br>section due to on-street parking on weekdays (Tuesday) is obtained at the level of E service and on holidays <br>(Sunday) the level of service on F road is obtained with poor traffic flow characteristics, namely traffic <br>volume is near/at capacity, and the flow is unstable.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KELAYAKAN TEKNIS DAN BIAYA PEMBANGUNAN TEMPAT PEMBERHENTIAN BUS TRANS METRO DEWATA KORIDOR 2 2024-12-19T11:59:52+00:00I Gusti Kade Ari Pradnyanaaripradnyana14@gmail.comPutu Hermawatiaripradnyana14@gmail.comFransiska<p>Determining the location and number of stops has an important role in <br>using the BRT mode. Improper construction of bus stops will result in increased <br>transportation problems, because many people who should be the target users <br>become reluctant to use this mode because of difficulties when using existing <br>facilities. The main reason why passengers do not use bus stops as a place to get <br>on/off from public transport is that the distance they have to travel to get to the bus <br>stop is too far. With the increasing number of bus stops being built, it means that <br>the level of accessibility of bus services is increasing. However, on the other hand, <br>building too many bus stops can lead to greater construction and maintenance <br>costs. Because of the large costs required to build a bus stop, it is necessary to make <br>the construction of the bus stop effective. Data collection is an activity to search for <br>data in the field that will be used to answer research problems. In this case, the <br>researcher also collected secondary data, where the data was obtained from parties <br>who have data on the number of passengers, bus data, and bus stop location data. <br>Global priorities are an assessment of the final weight of decision alternatives so <br>that it can be concluded which bus stop is the main choice for waiting for arrivals. <br>Trans Metro Dewata bus corridor 2, ranked first is the Dewi Sartika bus stop with <br>a score of 27.6%, second place is the SMP 10 bus stop with a score of 22.9%, third <br>place is the Gedung Dharma Alaya stop with a score of 20.3 %, ranked fourth by <br>the Suli 2 bus stop with a value of 15.4%, and last ranked by the Kerta Sari bus stop <br>with a value of 13.8%. The technical condition of the bus stop on corridor 2 has 69 <br>stopping points. From the survey results, it was recorded that there were only 5 bus <br>stop houses, 46 bus stop poles and 18 points that did not have signs. At each <br>stopping point, it was assessed that there was still minimal information regarding <br>the bus route.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA OPERASIONAL BUS TRANS METRO DEWATA KORIDOR 2 TERHADAP STANDAR KINERJA ANGKUTAN UMUM2024-12-19T12:03:31+00:00Arya Dava Pratamaaryadavapra@gmail.comPutu Hermawatiaryadavapra@gmail.comFransiska<p>Public transportation is essential for supporting daily societal activities, providing access to all <br>groups through a rental/payment system. Urban transportation, defined by predetermined routes and <br>designated stops, is particularly significant in urban areas. In Bali Province, urban transportation is <br>divided into two systems: Trans Sarbagita, operating on 2 corridors, and Trans Metro Dewata, with 5 <br>corridors. Data for this study was collected through surveys and observations, focusing on passenger <br>boarding and alighting numbers, headway, travel time, waiting time, and operational performance. The <br>analysis compared these metrics against established performance standards.The headway analysis <br>revealed an average of 15.20 minutes, meeting the standards set by the Directorate General of Land <br>Transportation. However, the load factor averaged 35,07 %, with 45,55 % on weekdays and 24,6 % on <br>holidays, falling short of the required standards. Conversely, the travel time of 111.6 minutes and waiting <br>time of 11 minutes were within acceptable limits. The insufficient load factor is primarily due to inadequate <br>outreach and information dissemination to the public, which has limited public interest in using Trans <br>Metro Dewata buses</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional METODE PELAKSANAAN LAPIS TAMBAHAN (OVERLAY) PERKERASAN LENTUR PADA PROYEK PEMELIHARAAN BERKALA JALAN 2024-12-19T12:08:18+00:00Kadek Putra I Ketut Sutapa, S.ST., G A Putu Dewi Paramita, S.S.,<p>Infrastructure development especially highways is very important to improve the standard of living and <br>economy especially in underdeveloped areas. In Bali, the Provincial Government through the Public Works <br>Department has carried out periodic maintenance of roads and drainage on Jalan Gunung Agung-Gunung <br>Sanghyang to smooth traffic flow and support regional economic growth. The purpose of this study was to <br>determine the method of implementing AC-BC and AC-WC layers on flexible pavement work based on field <br>observations. This research method uses a quantitative for data that can be measured and calculated <br>directly. The results of this study are the implementation of road patching using Hotmix AC-BC involving <br>dismantling with a Cold Milling Machine, cleaning with an air jet compressor, and spreading and <br>compacting in layers using a tandem roller and pneumatic tired roller. Spreading and compacting of AC<br>BC and AC-WC layers is carried out at a temperature of 135ᵒ - 150ᵒC with two compaction phases using <br>tools that are appropriate for each layer and thickness.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGENDALIAN BAHAN DAN TENAGA KERJA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN VILLA 2 BEDROOM ECHO BEACH CANGGU2024-12-16T06:30:06+00:00Grecia Keke Njuah Ujunggreciakekenjuahujung@gmail.comI Made Budiadi, S.T.,M.Tgreciakekenjuahujung@gmail.comI G A Putu Dewi<p>Abstract The writing of this final project aims to calculate the estimated Material Needs, Labor and costs related to the construction project of Villa 2 Bedroom Echo Beach Canggu in the Canggu area, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. The writing of this final project starts from collecting primary and secondary data, then continues by calculating the volume of each work item, after knowing the amount of different work volumes, then continuing with the calculation of the amount of labor and materials needed and then calculating the cost of wages and materials. From the results of the calculations that have been carried out by the workforce in structural work there are 90.86 people, the need for D13 Iron material in structural work is 300,997.13 kg, the need for D8 Iron material in structural work is 47033.41 kg, the need for D10 Iron material in structural work is 17.52 kg, the need for D16 Iron material in structural work is 102776.47 kg, the need for sand material for structural work is 0.71 m3, the need for plywood material for structural work is 13.86 m2. The cost of structural work required is Rp 444.335.243 while the wage cost is Rp 124.568.500,00 and the cost of materials is 347.961.094,48.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional WAKTU DAN BIAYA PERCEPATAN PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR DENGAN METODE CRASHING (STUDI KASUS : PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG DEKANAT FAKULTAS ILMU BUDAYA UNIVERSITAS UDAYANA JIMBARAN)2024-12-18T14:57:15+00:00Made Namaskara Yoga Suputrayogasuputra8@gmail.comI Wayan Darya Supartayogasuputra8@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Putu Dewi<p>Delays in project work often occur due to differences in site conditions, design changes, weather influences, and errors in planning. Project delays can be anticipated by accelerating (crashing) in its implementation, but still must pay attention to cost factors. The purpose of this study is to calculate the time and cost of the project if crashing is carried out and to measure the comparison of effective and efficient project time and cost between the alternative of adding 4 hours of overtime and increasing the number of workers. This research is conducted with descriptive comparative analysis method which aims to describe the characteristics and compare certain variables in order to analyze the causal factors and determine the most effective and efficient choice. This research used the crashing method with the alternative of adding working hours (overtime) 4 hours and increasing the number of workers. The output obtained from this research is in the form of acceleration results from both alternatives which will be compared and found effective and efficient acceleration alternatives. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the crashing carried out with the addition of working hours (overtime) 4 hours obtained an acceleration duration of 91.1 days faster by 18.68% than the initial duration and 112 days while with the addition of labor 91.8 days faster by 18.04% than the initial duration and 112 days, while for the cost of Rp. 6,303,431,902 with the alternative of adding working hours 4 hours 6.95% more expensive than normal conditions and Rp. 5,814,906,204 with the alternative addition of labor 1.34% cheaper than normal conditions.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KRITERIA PEMILIHAN SUPPLIER MATERIAL PADA JASA KONSTRUKSI DENGAN METODE AHP MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE SUPER DECISIONS2024-12-19T05:32:51+00:00Made Putri Adnyani Wulandariadheeputri2002@gmail.comMade G A Putu Dewi<p>The rapid economic growth has an impact on more and more development, this causes the material supplier stores to increase. The number of material supplier stores causes confusion in choosing the appropriate supplier. Based on this, guidelines are needed regarding the factors that are the basis for selecting material suppliers. This study aims to determine the factors or criteria in selecting material suppliers, determine the weight of each criterion, and determine the weight of the dominant factor. This study uses a questionnaire as a source of research data, then the results of the distribution of questionnaires are recapitulated and then processed using the AHP method and data processing is assisted by Super Decisionss software. The results of this study show that the dominant or highest factor weight is the Cost of Freight Insurance with ideals (1,000), normal (0.191208), raw (0.095604), in second place is the Cost of Sending Raw Materials with ideals (0.809250), normal (0.154735), raw (0.077367), and in third place is the Price of Raw Materials with ideals (0.528135), normal (0.100984), raw (0.050492).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PRODUKTIVITAS DAN KOEFISIEN TENAGA KERJA UNTUK PEKERJAAN PASANGAN BATU ALAM PADA KOLAM RENANG PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN STAS VILLA PERERENAN2024-12-19T05:45:05+00:00Dina Purnamasaridinap.tspnb@gmail.comI Gede Sastra Wibawadinap.tspnb@gmail.comI G. P. Adi Suartika<p>Proper project management is essential for managing resources within a project to ensure that it meets three crucial aspects: cost, quality, and time. One of the key factors in achieving success in these three aspects is labor productivity and the labor coefficient. This study aims to determine the level of productivity and labor coefficient in the installation of tumble marmo natural stone on the walls and floors of swimming pools at the Stas Villa Pererenan construction project, Badung, Bali. The method used in this research is the time study method. Based on the observational data obtained and the analysis conducted, it is concluded that the average productivity for the installation of tumble marmo natural stone on the swimming pool walls of Villas A and B is 8.63 m², while for the floors of Villas A and B, it is 16.28 m². The average labor coefficient for the installation of tumble marmo natural stone on the swimming pool walls of Villas A and B is 0.0581 OH for supervisors, 0.1161 OH for foremen, 0.2322 OH for workers, and 0.2322 OH for stone masons. For the installation of tumble marmo natural stone on the floors of swimming pools at Villas A and B, the labor coefficient is 0.0312 OH for supervisors, 0.0624 OH for foremen, 0.1249 OH for workers, and 0.1249 OH for stone masons.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KELAYAKAN INVESTASI UMALAS VILLA KABUPATEN BADUNG2024-12-19T05:53:46+00:00I Gusti Komang Santikaigustikomangsantika@gmail.comI Nyoman Sedana Triadiigustikomangsantika@gmail.comI Gusti Putu Adi Suartika<p>The property business in Indonesia has developed very rapidly and is profitable. Property businesses are now being carried out by many local and foreign investors. Investment in villa construction can provide big profits. The Umalas villa is planned to be located in Umalas village with a semi-minimalist building theme. industrial. In this research, Umalas Villa investment analysis was carried out to determine the feasibility of Umalas Villa from financial prospects. The feasibility analysis used includes the Net Present Value calculation method, Internal Rate of Return, Benefit Cost Ratio, Break Event Point and Setivity Analysis. From the financial prospects, it is found that the NPV value = IDR 434,500,860,- > 0, BCR= 1.11 > 0, the IRR value = 11.82% of the MARR which is 10% and the BEP occurs in the 15th year, while from the Sentivity Analysis it is obtained that the Umalas Villa plan This is still feasible in situations where fixed costs, benefits decrease by 10%, costs increase and benefits remain 10% and costs decrease and benefits decrease by 10%. Based on these results, it can be said that the Umalas Villa investment is feasible.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENERAPAN KONSEP BALOK LEMAH KOLOM KUAT PADA BANGUNAN BERSERTIFIKAT LAIK FUNGSI (SLF) (STUDI KASUS BANGUNAN KOMERSIAL DI JALAN DEWI SRI, KUTA)2024-12-19T05:59:50+00:00I Made Utha Payusapayusa.utha@gmail.comI Wayan Intaraintarajoist@yahoo.comI Gusti Putu Adi Suartika<p>The Certificate of Feasibility is a crucial document for any building. With an SLF, it can be ensured that the building is fit for occupancy. One of the safety requirements for a building is the structural requirements. A building structure can be considered fit for occupancy when it meets the applicable standard regulations. One of the structural requirements for buildings implementing a special moment-resisting frame system (SMF) is the weak beam strong column concept. This concept is applied to ensure that the column strength exceeds the beam strength. To review the application of the weak beam strong column concept in buildings with a Certificate of Feasibility, an analysis of the existing structural components and earthquake[1]resistant building analysis must first be conducted to ensure compliance with the applicable standards. From the analysis conducted, several discrepancies were identified, including the area and spacing of the column stirrups, the shear strength of the beam-column joints, and the stirrup area in the beam-column joints. From the earthquake-resistant building analysis, it was found that the inter-story drift was below the allowable limit and the P-Δ effect stability coefficient was less than the permissible coefficient. In the review of the weak beam strong column concept, it was found that the nominal axial load of column K1 was 2239.14 kN, the nominal moment of the beam at the negative support area was 237.47 kN.m, and at the positive support area was 162.62 kN.m, resulting in a nominal moment of 259.26 kN.m at the lower column and 220.85 kN.m at the upper column. Using the interaction diagram by projecting the Pn and Mn values, it was determined that the intersection of Pn and Mn remained within the influence boundary of the 1.6% reinforcement area. Thus, the weak beam strong column concept was fulfilled. The reinforcement installed at the interior beam-column joint in the X direction was 5 D13-75, and in the Y direction was 3 D13-75. At the exterior joint in the X direction, the reinforcement was 4 D13-100, and in the Y direction was 4 D13-100. At the corner joint in the X direction, the reinforcement was 3 D13-100, and in the Y direction was 4 D13-100.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN ANGGARAN BIAYA PONDASI TIANG PANCANG DAN BORE PILE PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG C BLOK 2 UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL (UNDIKNAS) DENPASAR2024-12-19T06:10:06+00:00I Kadek Satya Hagi Dwi Putrasatyahagi99@gmail.comI Wayan Aryawayanarya@gmail.comI G.A.G Surya Negara Dwipa<p>This analysis is to compare the cost budget plans between the use of piles and bore piles and determine which is more efficient in the Building C Block 2 UNDIKNAS Denpasar Construction project. Because in general drill pile foundations have a flexible size, do not have joints, the cost is relatively small and the vibrations caused are relatively low. This research was conducted on the construction project for building c block 2 UNDIKNAS Denpasar. The data used is secondary data containing shop drawings, upper structure loading data, soil testing data, bore pile and pile work contract price data. This research method uses descriptive analytical methods with observation and surveys. This research was carried out (1) To determine the number and cost of pile work in each column capable of supporting Building C Block 2 UNDIKNAS Denpasar (2) To determine the number and cost of Bore pile work in each column capable of supporting Building C Block 2 UNDIKNAS Denpasar (3) To compare which foundation is more efficient based on costs between pile piles and bore piles. Based on the results of the study, it was found that (1) There are 6 types of foundations for piles, namely P1 foundation with 4 piles, P2 foundation with 4 piles, P3 foundation with 4 piles, P4 foundation with 4 piles, P5 foundation. with 3 pillars, and finally the P6 foundation with 4 pillars. The total budget for the pile work is IDR 309,263,000.00. (2) In bore pile there are 5 types of foundation, namely: P1 foundation with 4 piles, P2 foundation with 4 piles, P3 foundation with 3 piles, P4 foundation with 4 piles, and finally P5 foundation with number of poles 3 pieces. The total budget for bore pile work is IDR 295,763,000.00. (3) The bore pile foundation is an efficient foundation based on costs for the Building C Block 2 UNDIKNAS Denpasar Construction project because it has a lower cost budget than pile piles.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGADAAN PEKERJAAN KONSTRUKSI DENGAN KATALOG ELEKTRONIK (E-KATALOG) DITINJAU DARI SEGI PRINSIP EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN (STUDI KASUS : KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI)2024-12-19T06:17:20+00:00Rieke Puspita Saririekepuspita0410@gmail.comI Wayan I Gede Bambang<p>Since the beginning of 2022, Banyuwangi Regency has implemented the use of the E-Purchasing system with E-Catalog in the procurement of government goods/services, including the procurement of construction work. Banyuwangi Regency won 2nd place in the 2023 provincial E-Purchasing Awards involving 700 local MSMEs. However, the number of broadcast products and construction service transactions is still far behind, namely only 210 broadcast products and 746 transactions (3.5%) from 6 construction service product showcases. Therefore, there is a need for research on evaluation to determine the level of efficiency and effectiveness in the construction work procurement process through E[1]Catalog.This research adopts quantitative descriptive methods and data analysis using validity tests, reliability tests, and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. Validity and reliability test methods are used to measure the suitability of the statements in the questionnaire and measure the level of ability or consistency of a questionnaire. Meanwhile, the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method has the main function of displaying information related to service factors related to consumer interests and satisfaction in a company or system, which in this case is used in evaluating the E-Catalog system in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.Based on the results of research on the Evaluation of Construction Work Procurement Using an Electronic Catalog (E-Catalog) in Banyuwangi Regency, it was found that detailed data processing results showed that the E-Catalog in the process of procuring construction work was very EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT with an average score from the performance assessment and consumer satisfaction with the value 3.65 on a scale of 4 or if assessed in the form of a percentage worth 91.37% in terms of effectiveness the value is 3.54 on a scale of 4 or if assessed in the form of a percentage worth 88.5% in terms of efficiency</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGARUH KERJA TAMBAH KURANG TERHADAP PEKERJAAN KONSTRUKSI PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN SDN 17 PEMECUTAN2024-12-19T06:23:33+00:00Putu Aditya Darma Udyatmikaudyatmikaaditya@gmail.comI Made Anom Santianaudyatmikaaditya@gmail.comI Gede Bambang<p>In implementing construction projects, various problems are often faced, one of which is change. These changes can appear at various stages of the project, whether at the beginning, middle, or end, and can come from requests from the owner, consultant, or contractor. These changes can include increasing or decreasing the volume of work, type of work, or even modifying technical specifications to suit field needs. The term used for this change is work plus less or change order. This research aims to determine work items and the magnitude of the influence that occurs due to lack of mining work. In the design of this research study, the method used is quantitative descriptive because the analysis studied is in the form of cost and time analysis of additional or less work (Change Order). In this thesis, the researcher wants to know the influence of additional employment and the impacts that arise as a result of additional employment. From data processing it was concluded that there were additions and reductions in volume for each work item, and the resulting cost effect was Rp. 377,327,278.50 or 1.15% of the construction contract value and there is no additional implementation time from the initial contract.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN KOEFISIEN TENAGA KERJA ANTARA SNI DENGAN REALISASI PELAKSANAAN DI LAPANGAN PADA PEKERJAAN KOLOM VILLA BATU2024-12-19T06:30:13+00:00I Kadek Bayu Mahadanabayumahadana29@gmail.comI Made Jayabayumahadana29@gmail.comI Gede Made Oka<p>In construction projects, human resources remain one of the important factors, because they can determine and influence the smooth or non-running of a project. One way to realize it is by increasing worker productivity because it is related to the overall value of worker productivity, so it is important to conduct an analysis. In this study, data can be collected through direct observation in the field on reinforced concrete structures, especially column work, by looking for the number of volume, labor, and working time. Subsequently, data processing is carried out to obtain productivity and cooperative value. Based on the time observation, an analysis of the time study method was carried out with the average productivity results in column work, C1 ironing work (210.93) kg/day Furthermore, the average labor coefficient of 10 kg of C1 column was calculated, namely, 0.0142 OH for foremen, 0.0142 OH for the head of the foreman, 0.0948 OH for the foreman, 0.0948 OH for the worker. From these results, an analysis of the difference between the real labor coefficient in the field and the 2023 SNI analysis coefficient was carried out. The difference of 10 kg of ironing work in column C1 is, 0.010 foremen, 0.007 head builders, 0.024 foremen, 0.024 workers, the difference in the results of this is influenced by the smaller the productivity carried out in the field, the greater the result of the labor coefficient in the field.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional ON STREET PARKING TERHADAP TINGKAT PELAYANAN JALAN PADA RUAS JALAN ULUWATU JIMBARAN 2024-12-19T06:37:27+00:00I Komang Heri Kurniawanherikomang12@gmail.comPutu I Gede Made Oka<p>Jalan Raya Uluwatu Jimbaran is a road section located in the center of activity. There are many interactions between traffic flow and activities on the side of the road. Interactions have an impact on reducing the level of road service. The purpose of this study is to analyze how much influence on street parking has on the level of road service. The method of collecting traffic data and side obstacles analyzed based on MKJI 1997. At the highest peak hour on weekdays, namely (17:15 - 18:15) WITA, it is known that on-street parking has an effect on reducing the level of road service by 22% because there is a decrease in capacity of 26% so that there is a change in the level of road service, where without on-street parking it is at level D while when there is on[1]street parking it becomes level F. At the highest peak hour on holidays, namely (17:15 - 18:15) WITA, it is known that on-street parking has an effect on reducing the level of road service by 22% because there is a decrease in capacity of 26% so that there is a change in the level of road service, where without on-street parking it is at level D while when there is on-street parking it becomes level F.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA PROYEK DENGAN METODE EARNED VALUE ANALYSIS PADA PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG SMPN 16 DENPASAR2024-12-16T05:58:33+00:00Ni Made Yulianingsihmdyulianingsih12@gmail.comNi Kadek Sri Ebtha Gusti Ayu Wulan Krisna<p><em>Cost and time in a construction project greatly affect the success of the project, because in the competition of construction services we are required to carry out projects on time, in accordance with the budget, and in accordance with the specifications of the work that has been set. In the implementation of the Construction of Junior High School 16 Denpasar Building Construction project, there was a change in the design of the plan drawing which had an impact on the increase in the duration of the project implementation. Therefore, the Earned Value method is used to determine the performance of the project's time and cost and the indicators used to analyze include: BCWS (Budget Cost of Work Schedule), BCWP (Budget Cost of Work Performance), ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performance), SV (Schedule Variance), CV (Cost Variance), SPI (Schedule Performance Index), CPI (Cost Performance Index). This research was conducted by conducting observations and interviews to obtain secondary data, as well as collecting data in the form of RAB and project progress reports, and, Time Schedule as primary data obtained from the contractor. From the analysis results, it is known that the project implementation time is in accordance with the planned schedule indicated by the SPI value = 1, and the costs incurred are lower than the budgeted costs indicated by the CPI value > 1, namely 1.091 with a project profit or Cost Variance (CV) of IDR 1,196,977,129.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional ANALISIS INVESTASI PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN AINAYA RESORT UBUD2024-12-18T04:11:18+00:00Kadek Evan Alit Suputraevanalit30@gmail.comNi Kadek Sri Ebtha Yunievanalit30@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Wulan Krisna<p>Conducting a study to determine the practicality of investing in the Ainaya Resort Ubud property. This study was exclusively <br>conducted on a financial feasibility analysis. Hence, the objective of this study is to determine the financial viability of investments undertaken at Ainaya Resort Ubud. The research methodology employed is quantitative descriptive. The collection of primary data was conducted through the utilization of interview and observation techniques, and secondary data was acquired from relevant stakeholders, specifically contractors. The purpose of this data is to assess the financial viability. The study indicates that the project is viable for implementation, as evidenced by the NPV value of Rp.38.255.356.878,86, the BCR value of 1.27, the IRR value of 9,26% above the MARR value, and the BEP occurring more than 8 years before the investment's lifespan. Every technique demonstrates the feasibility of investing in Ainaya Resort Ubud.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENJADWALAN PROYEK DENGAN METODE PDM DAN RPWM PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN ALEX VILLA COMPLEX N62024-12-18T06:45:26+00:00I Made Adithya Wiratamamadeadithyawira@gmail.comI Nyoman Suardikansuardika@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Wulan Krisna<p>Project scheduling plays an important role in the construction of construction projects. Scheduling provides information on the relationships between work items and is detailed to aid in project execution and supervision. In the Alex Villa Complex N6 construction project, the project scheduling used used the S-curve. The alternative scheduling methods used are the Precedence Diagram Method and the Ranked Positional Weight Method. The Precedence Diagaram Method and Ranked Positional Weight Method were chosen because they have a detailed description of the relationship between work items so that it makes it easier to supervise and evaluate. The initial duration of the project based on existing schedule information is 450 days. The results of the time analysis from project scheduling using the Precedence Diagram Method and Ranked Positional Weight Method methods were 426 days. Both methods produce the same duration. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that both methods can produce more optimal time and can be used as an alternative method for project scheduling.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional DEBIT BANJIR RANCANGAN ( STUDI KASUS BENDUNGAN SIDAN )2024-12-18T06:59:36+00:00Hamzah Ibnu AriefIbnuwalreif29@gmail.comI Made MudhinaIbnuwalreif29@gmail.comI Gusti Lanang Made<p>Rivers are a source of life for humans because they have many functions that are very necessary for human life, such as: raw water sources, irrigation needs and hydropower. So dam construction has a very important role in the progress of an area and the development of the surrounding population. In carrying out the construction of the dam body, an analysis of the flood discharge value is certainly required. For this design, it is necessary to calculate a design with a certain return period and based on the level of need. This research aims to determine the planned rain discharge by frequency analysis and planned flood discharge using the Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph method. After the analysis is carried out, the largest planned rainfall value is obtained using the Ej method. Rain Gumbel The value of the Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph uses the value from the Ej Gumbel method because the value of the planned rain is greater so that the largest planned flood value is obtained for the 7th hour with a return period of 10 years, namely 488.93 m3/sec, for a return period of 25 years, namely 522.12 m3/sec, for the 50 year return period it is 599.02 m3/sec, and for the 100 year return period the planned flood value is 645.59 m3/sec.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA SALURAN IRIGASI DAN AKNOP SUBAK LANYAHAN KABUPATEN BADUNG2024-12-18T07:44:50+00:00Dwi Tantri Anggurenitantriianggurenii03@gmail.comI Made Mudhinatantriianggurenii03@gmail.comI Gusti Lanang Made<p>The Tungkub Irrigation Area (DI Tungkub) in Badung Regency is a technical irrigation area with a water source from the Tungkub Dam, Sungi Watershed. In the condition of the DI Lanyahan Network, there is damage to the channel wall which will cause the channel to be increasingly unmaintained. This study aims to recalculate the operational and maintenance needs of the Chewing Irrigation Area based on applicable regulations and the current conditions of the study area for the needs of the 2023 fiscal year. The research was conducted in the Lanyahan Irrigation Area with an area of 236 Ha located in Badung Regency. The capacity of the channel still covers the flow of water in the channel. As a result of the analysis that has been <br>carried out, it was obtained that the amount of Real Operational Needs and Maintenance of Chewing Irrigation Areas for the irrigation operational management component is Rp. 80,350,000, the Surface Irrigation Operation component is Rp. 75,814,000 and the Irrigation Network Maintenance component is Rp. 105.409.717. The total cost of Real Operational Needs and Maintenance of the Lanyahan Irrigation Area is Rp. 261.573.717.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KELAYAKAN INVESTASI PERUMAHAN DITINJAU DARI ASPEK FINANSIAL DAN PEMASARAN DI DESA JIMBARAN KECAMATAN KUTA SELATAN KABUPATEN BADUNG2024-12-18T07:58:07+00:00Ngurah Kadek Gunawan Wibawagunawangurah@gmail.comKetut Wiwin Andayanigunawangurah@gmail.comI Gusti Lanang Made<p>This study discusses the analysis of investment feasibility of the Nusantara Hijau Housing development project located in Jimbaran Village, South Kuta, Badung Regency. This research is a Quantitative research. The results of this study indicate that this housing development project requires an investment of Rp 42,188,835,454.17. The feasibility analysis shows that this project is feasible to implement with a positive NPV of Rp 6,997,601,639 and a BCR of 1.14. This project also has an IRR of 12.10%, which exceeds the desired rate of return (IRR > 10%). The investment payback period is estimated to be achieved in the 3rd year, 10th month. In addition, this study also proposes a marketing strategy based on "marketing mix" which includes elements of product, price, promotion, and distribution. The products offered are houses with modern designs and various types that are adjusted to different target markets. Distribution is carried <br>out by choosing a strategic location with easy access to public facilities and transportation to increase market appeal. This study suggests the importance of careful cash flow management and setting realistic sales targets to avoid project failure and ensure financial sustainability.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional RESIKO KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) STUDI KASUS PROYEK GEDUNG KULIAH TERPADU (GKT) POLITEKNIK NEGERI BANYUWANGI2024-12-18T08:27:05+00:00Ach. Fery Setiawanfery071094@gmail.comI Wayan Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahesa Adi<p>The initial concept of the Integrated Lecture Building (ILB) consists of 77 classrooms divided into 7 floors with openings located in the right and left corridors of the building (ILB), considering that construction projects in general are prone to work accidents. Some of the factors that can be caused by the construction of the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic project (ILB) on workers include: falling construction objects from above considering that this project has a height of 7 floors, the possibility <br>of falling from a height, being stepped on and hit by collapsed goods, falling or rolling, being pinched or run over, being hit, being hit by hard impacts and coming into contact with hot and cold temperatures, Noise due to heavy equipment or other construction equipment that causes a lack of focus and results in work accidents. That is the reason for the researcher to analyze the level of implementation of Occupational Safety and Health in the construction project of the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENERAPAN KONSEP GREEN CONSTRUCTION TERHADAP BIAYA PADA PELAKSANAAN PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG MAL PELAYANAN PUBLIK KABUPATEN GIANYAR2024-12-19T05:40:36+00:00Ida Ayu Tri Uliantaritriuliantari28@gmail.comI Gusti Lanang Made Parwitatriuliantari28@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahesa Adi<p>Green construction is expected to minimize environmental impacts and provide comfort to building users. Because there are more and more positive impacts resulting from this green construction concept, it is realized that it is important for development to pay attention to the environment, so there is a concept called sustainable construction or sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine how much influence the application of the green construction concept has on the cost of the construction project of the Gianyar Regency Public Service Mall Building. This study uses data from questionnaires to <br>assess how green construction affects the cost of building Public Service Malls in Gianyar Regency. Finally, the data was analyzed to see how independent factors related to the implementation of green buildings affected <br>the dependent variable, the project performance cost. This case study uses SPSS for statistical analysis. In the Gianyar Regency Public Service Mall Building Construction project, this is shown from the influence of material use (X1A) of 37.1%, energy (X2A) of 40.4%, water (X3A) of 29.8%, construction waste (X4A) of 31%, and human resources (X5A) of 22.6%. Based on the variables of material use and energy have a significant <br>influence. The strategy to suppress factors that have a significant influence is to design a building that can minimize energy use such as paying attention to the direction of the building, the building plan and room volume, windows and ventilation, building envelope materials, and also the configuration of the building mass.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA WASTE MATERIAL BESI BETON PADA PROYEK APARTEMEN KIARA OCEAN PLACE CANGGU 2024-12-20T04:11:18+00:00I Kadek Arya Wiratamadedekjaya@gmail.comAnak Agung Putri Indrayantidedekjaya@gmail.comNi Kadek Sri Ebtha<p>Residual material is an excess/excess quantity of material used or imported, but it does not add any value to a job, which means that the rest of the material does not really have an impact on a job but more impact on other things (cost). Iron material is the material with the largest waste value waste value compared to other materials such as ceramics, cement, ready-mixed concrete, piles, sand, sand, and other materials. mix, piles, sand, bricks, crushed stone. This study aims to determine the amount of residual costs material that occurs. This research uses descriptive-analytical method and using the bar bending schedule method based on working drawings Kiara Ocean Place Apartment Project Canggu Apartment Project. Furthermore, this research discusses all the remaining rebar material used in the project and takes into account optimization of the project and takes into account the optimization optimization of the use of the remaining iron material to be used in other concreting work. From the analysis obtained the results of the remaining iron material, which is at 2.97% or 19,605.70 kg with a cost loss of Rp. 274,479,842.30, - to the the total project value of Rp. 81,000,000,000.00, -.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA DAN PERCEPATAN WAKTU PEKERJAAN PROYEK ANTARA METODE PENAMBAHAN TENAGA KERJA DENGAN PENAMBAHAN JAM KERJA (LEMBUR) PADA PEMBANGUNAN VILLA ECHO BEACH CANGGU 2024-12-19T05:57:33+00:00Roliska Ayu Susika Beruturoliskaliska@gmail.comKetut Wiwin Andayaniroliskaliska@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahesa Adi<p>Cost and time are factors that influence the success and failure of a project. This is a parameter for the success of a project which can be seen from the completion time and minimum costs but with guaranteed quality in accordance with planning. In project implementation, discrepancies often occur between the planned schedule and the realization in the field. This results in delays in project completion. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to accelerate the project implementation time. In this research, work will be accelerated using a method of increasing working hours (overtime) and the number of workers. The aim of this research is to determine the comparison of time and costs between accelerating the addition of overtime hours and additional labor by calculating the comparison using Excel. The analysis results show that the initial project cost was IDR 52,463,000 with an implementation time of 32 days. If we compare project acceleration with additional working hours (overtime), we get an additional cost of IDR 69,611,000 with an implementation time that is 25 days faster, while acceleration by increasing the number of workers results in an additional cost of IDR 58.105,000 with an implementation time that is 20 days faster. For additional overtime working hours, the duration is reduced by 7 days. Meanwhile, with the addition of labor, the duration is reduced by 12 days.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA DAN WAKTU METODE PENGECORAN MENGGUNAKAN TOWER CRANE DAN CONCRETE PUMP PADA PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG BUSINESS CENTER POLTEKPAR BALI2024-12-19T06:40:32+00:00Rahmat Hidayatullahrahmatbocah75@gmail.comP. D. Pariawan S.rahmatbocah75@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahesa Adi<p>Casting in the construction project of the "Bali Polytechnic Business Center Building" uses two types of casting heavy equipment, namely tower cranes and concrete pumps. The use of these two tools has advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost and time. This study aims to find out the comparison of casting costs and times using tower cranes and concrete pumps. The data of this study was obtained from the results of interviews and direct observation of the casting of beams and floor plates using tower cranes and concrete pumps, each of which was 20 truck mixers with a capacity of 5m³. Data analysis includes worker productivity, cycle time, worker wages and heavy equipment rentals. The results of the analysis show that, the cost of concrete per 1 m³ in the construction project of the Bali Polytechnic Polytechnic Business Center Building using a tower crane is Rp 1.273.904,- and the casting using a concrete pump is Rp 991.346,- This shows that the cost of casting using a <br>tower crane is more expensive than using a concrete pump. The cost of concrete per 1 m³ already consists of the cost of ready mix concrete, wages, and heavy equipment rental. The casting time per 1 m³ is 13.76 minutes for casting using a tower crane and 5.45 minutes for casting using a concrete pump. This shows that casting using tower cranes is 2.13 times slower than casting using concrete pumps.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional VARIATION ORDER (VO) PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR LANTAI ATAP PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG MAL PELAYANAN PUBLIK GIANYAR2024-12-19T06:51:49+00:00Ni Nengah Anggreni RahayuniAnggrenirahayuni48@gmail.comI Nyoman Anom Purwa WinayaAnggrenirahayuni48@gmail.comI Komang<p>Construction project implementation is a limited activity with resource allocation to produce products according to specified quality specifications. Changes during the contract period can be caused by various parties involved in the project, affecting the cost and schedule of project implementation. An agreement between the project owner and the contractor is required to avoid <br>disputes. Variation Order work, including in the Gianyar Public Service Mall Building Project, affects the contract with additional work in the form of additions and subtractions of work items. The volume of work on the roof floor structure has changed with the addition of concrete, iron, and reduction of formwork. The cost of the Variation Order work reached Rp243.569.609,60, or 11% of the initial contract value. Although it did not cause delays, this work had critical work items such as Beams B3, B4, B5, B8, B7, B9, B10, and Beams RB. The contractor was able to overcome the critical activities with additional overtime hours and labor to complete the work on time. The total volume of concrete, iron, and formwork underwent significant changes in the roof floor structure work, and the cost of Variation Order work was quite large. However, this work did not result in any delay to the project.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional EFEKTIFITAS TOWER CRANE PADA PEKERJAAN NON STRUKTUR DIBANGUNAN GEDUNG MAL PELAYANAN PUBLIK GIANYAR 2024-12-19T06:57:46+00:00I Gusti Putu Dimas Adi Wijayagunkalit1@gmail.comI Wayan I Made Anom<p>Recently, construction has been growing rapidly and causing problems for contractor workers because the buildings being built cannot be reached by human power with the planned schedule. Therefore, heavy equipment such as tower cranes are needed to help construction work efficiently. In the Gianyar Bali Public Service Mall Development Project, tower cranes are used to transport materials for finishing work on a 4-story building. In this study, an analysis of the productivity and <br>cost of using a tower crane was carried out using a quantitative descriptive method. The data on the weight of the load transported on the tower crane varied greatly, with an average material lifting volume of 2,988.17 kg. The cycle time and productivity of the tower crane also varied, with an average cycle time of 0.31 hours and an average productivity of 9,362 kg/hour. The effectiveness of the tower crane time during the 7 days of observation was calculated at 4%, indicating a level of <br>ineffectiveness. The cost of the tower crane per hour was Rp. 569.533,38, with a total cost for the 7 days of observation of Rp. 31.893.869. The cost efficiency of the tower crane during the 7 days of observation was 96%, indicating a level of inefficiency. Thus, planning the selection of tower cranes must be done carefully to achieve optimal effectiveness and efficiency in construction implementation.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA DAN WAKTU BERDASARKAN PRODUKTIVITAS PADA PEKERJAAN FINISHING DINDING LUAR DENGAN MATERIAL BATU LAVA PADA GEDUNG BUSSINES CENTER POLITEKNIK PARIWISATA BALI2024-12-19T07:03:49+00:00Bilal Ananda PurbaBangbilal14@gmail.comPutu HermawatiBangbilal14@gmail.comI Made<p>A construction project is a series of construction work activities carried out in detail, within a limited time determined by the project implementer. In the implementation of construction projects, especially on wall work, effective and economical <br>planning is needed. In order for these efforts to be realized, it is necessary to analyze the value of the coefficient of labor wages and materials in the work of the outer wall of the lava stone masonry. Lava stone is a stone that has a lighter density. has a random size with a thickness of 7.5-10 cm.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PRODUKTIVITAS PEKERJAAN DINDING PADA PROYEK VILLA AQUAMARINE DI CANGGU, KAB. BADUNG-BALI2024-12-19T07:32:39+00:00I Made Yoga Wiase Midanamidanayoga25@gmail.comPutu Hermawatimidanayoga25@gmail.comI Made<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The productivity of construction projects is fundamental in influencing the performance of competitive ability in the construction industry. To find out the performance of the workforce can be measured by the productivity of the workforce. Lack of productivity on wall work can affect the impact of problems on the progress of the work in terms of time and cost. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze worker productivity on wall work. For this research, productivity data will be sought in terms of time and costs incurred in realization. The aim of this research is to find out the comparison of actual data with planned data so that contractors will know where the differences in data are in the Aquamarine Villa project in Canggu, Kab. Badung-Bali. The method used for this research is direct observation/observation to find volume, number of workers, amount of materials, and observation time. So the results of the realized coefficient values for light brick wall work are obtained, such as foreman = 0.031 OH, head craftsman = 0.031 OH, craftsman = 0.186 OH, and worker = 0.279 OH. Meanwhile, the plan (AHSP) is foreman = 0.04 OH, head craftsman = 0.04 OH, craftsman = 0.18, and worker = 0.14 OH. So, when comparing the realization with the plan, the result data is obtained, where in terms of time the wall work was delayed by 77 days, whereas in terms of costs for the light brick wall work the planned value was higher at IDR 81,427,333.66, while for the plastering and plastering wall work the value was obtained. the realization was higher than the plan, resulting in a loss of Rp. 51,653,697.1</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PEMODELAN PLAT LANTAI DENGAN MESH DAN TANPA MESH TERHADAP BIAYA PROYEK KONTRUKSI2024-12-23T03:52:48+00:00I Nyoman Oki Permana Puraokipermana.pura@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Made<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>tructural analysis is huge influence on the success of building construction. Structural analysis in SAP 2000 floor slabs are considered as structural elements like beams and columns, the load acting on slab is an uniform load. So that the even load will be directly distributed only to the edges of the slab element. Meshing of the slab is done so that the even load of the slab is also channeled to the beam.</p> <p>This research aims to determine the difference in construction costs due to differences in slab modeling. In this study the researchers used an analytical descriptive approach. The analysis was carried out on the floor slab modeling without Mesh, Mesh 100cm, Mesh 50cm, Mesh 25cm and Mesh 10cm which had been loaded according to the rules, to find out the safe structural elements.</p> <p>Based on the analysis, there is an increase in beam dimensions in modeling with Mesh, namely Beams B1 and B4 for Mesh 100cm and Beams B1, B3, and B4 for Mesh 50cm, 25cm and 10cm. The construction cost of slab modeling without Mesh is IDR2,940,502,000, slab modeling with Mesh 100cm is IDR3,102,855,000, slab modeling with Mesh 50cm is IDR3,205,698,000, slab modeling with Mesh 25cm is IDR3,205,329,000, slab modeling with Mesh 10cm is IDR3,275,332,000. The difference in construction cost of modeling without mesh against each modeling method with Mesh is IDR162,353,000 or 5.52% against Mesh 100cm, IDR262,196,000 or 8.92% against Mesh 50cm, IDR264,827,000 or 9.01% against Mesh 25 cm and IDR334,830,000 or 11.39% against Mesh 10cm.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional METODE DAN BIAYA PERKUATAN BALOK KANTILEVER PADA PROYEK WONDERLAND ULUWATU2024-12-23T04:03:49+00:00Alda Tertia I Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Made<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>A strong and durable structure is the expectation for every building. However, in the implementation of concrete manufacturing projects, there are still many issues due to the quality of concrete not meeting the plan specifications, resulting in an inability to withstand the working load. For example, in the building construction project at Wonderland Uluwatu, the planned concrete quality for the cantilever beam was K300. However, when the hammer test was conducted at 28 days of curing, the expected quality was not achieved. So, a cantilever beam is necessary to repair and strengthen the concrete structure of the building to ensure its safety. This research compares the reinforcement methods for cantilever beams in terms of cost. Two cantilever beam reinforcement methods will be implemented: first, steel jacketing reinforcement using 8 mm and 10 mm thick steel plates; second, IWF steel reinforcement with dimensions of 500 mm x 200 mm x 10 mm x 16 mm. These reinforcement methods will be evaluated through deflection analysis and deviation analysis. The results of this study indicate that the cost of the steel jacketing reinforcement method with thicknesses of 8 mm and 10 mm amounts to Rp. 345,086,768.00. In contrast, repairing or reinforcing the cantilever beam using the IWF 500.200.10.16 steel method, assuming that the IWF is available in Bali, costs Rp. 272,515,956.00. Based on the cost calculations for each reinforcement method, it can be concluded that the IWF steel method is more economical, with a difference of Rp. 72,570,812.00.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN PERKUATAN BAJA IWF DAN STEEL JACKETING PASAR TRADISIONAL Br. LEBIH TERHADAP BIAYA KONSTRUKSI2024-12-23T04:08:47+00:00Muhammad Arief Al-Awganiariefalawgani24@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Made<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Reinforcing the building structure is done when a building is unable to support the existing load or damage occurs. This is what happened to the Traditional Market building of Br. Adat Lebih Beten Kelod, where the building failed due to the 2018 Palu earthquake which caused damage to the roof cantilever beam and required IWF Steel reinforcement as a solution.</p> <p>In this study, an alternative reinforcement in the form of Steel Jacketing was compared to the existing IWF Steel reinforcement in terms of construction cost. Both reinforcements were analysed for deflection and deviation allowance limits using the structural application of SAP2000 v.22.<br>With the research carried out, the results of the cost budget plan for the Steel Jacketing reinforcement method were obtained at Rp. 758,097,472.30 and the cost budget plan for the IWF Steel reinforcement method at Rp. 633,779,376.50 using local cost prices, with each price obtained a cost difference of Rp. 124,318,095.80 with a price deviation of 16.4%. From the results of the cost calculation of the two reinforcements, it can be concluded that Steel Jacekting reinforcement costs more than Steel IWF reinforcement.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN PENULANGAN STRUKTUR BETON TAHAN GEMPA TERHADAP BIAYA KONSTRUKSI BERDASARKAN SNI GEMPA 1726:2019 DENGAN SNI 03-2847-2002 DAN SNI 2847:2013 PADA PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR HOTEL 5 LANTAI GRAND VICTORIA KEDONGANAN2024-12-23T04:16:37+00:00Arifariffira303@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Gst. Pt. Adi Suartika<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>SNI 2847:2013 concerning "Structural Concrete Requirements for Building Structures" is a form of renewal of the procedures for reinforced concrete structures in Indonesia that are currently in effect. SNI 03 - 2847 - 2002 was replaced after 10 years by new regulations that certainly aim to reduce the impact of earthquakes. The preparation of SNI 2847:2013 uses ACI318M-11 because like the previous regulations that refer to the standards provided by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). This research method is carried out descriptively analytically. Structural planning is very necessary to get a building that is in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard regulations.</p> <p>In the Comparative Analysis of Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Structure Reinforcement Against Construction Costs Based on SNI Earthquake 1726:2019 With SNI 03-2847-2002 And SNI 2847:2013 In the Structural Planning of the 5-Storey Grand Victoria Kedonganan Hotel, it refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) regulations, SNI 1726:2019 (Procedures for Earthquake Resistance Planning for Building and Non-Building Structures), (SNI 03-2847-2002) and (SNI 2847:2013) Procedures for Calculating Concrete Structures for Buildings as a comparative analysis, Minimum Load for Designing Buildings and Other Structures, SNI 1727-2020. In the review and design, this structure is modeled through SAP 2000 V.22 and Autodesk AutoCAD 2021. The purpose of this study is to determine the dimensions and structural elements that are safe to use for column and beam structures. The calculation of the structural strength is calculated using the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) method in accordance with the provisions of the seismic design category (D). The results of this study are differences in the results of the analysis (SNI 03-2847-2002) and (SNI 2847: 2013) namely in the amount of flexural reinforcement obtained from the calculation results of 4.94% in column flexural reinforcement and 5.70% in beam flexural reinforcement, as well as differences in the cost of reinforcement work of 4.71%, this is due to differences in the reduction factors used according to the regulations (SNI 03-2847-2002) and (SNI 2847: 2013).</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN PERANCAH BAMBU DAN SCAFFOLDING UNTUK PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG PADA PROYEK SMKN 7 DENPASAR2024-12-23T04:22:22+00:00I Made Agus Rodger Rikarditaplarumtu@gmail.comP.D. Pariawan S.dana.salain22@gmail.comI Made Tapa<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>One of the fundamental differences between conventional and unconventional methods is the use of concrete scaffolding. The conventional method uses bamboo and the non-conventional method uses manufactured steel (scaffolding). With this difference, of course, the overall project financing will be different. With the above reasons, the thought arose to compare the cost of using bamboo scaffolding, and scaffolding in reinforced concrete work. To compare the two methods, a literature study was conducted from various existing reference sources, collecting image/document data in the form of USB (New School Unit) construction drawings of SMKN 7 Denpasar, namely plan situation drawings, views, cuttings, plan drawings, and unit prices of materials and wages applicable in Denpasar Regency. Analysis and discussion by making an implementation budget plan for both bamboo scaffolding work, usuk scaffolding and scaffolding scaffolding, namely calculating the analysis of the unit price of work and the total cost of all work. The results of the discussion show that bamboo scaffolding has a total cost of Rp. 48,314,740, and scaffolding has a total cost of Rp. 74,238,000. Reinforced concrete work is in accordance with the time schedule so that usage does not exceed the rental limit for 1 month.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGGUNAAN ALAT BERAT EXCAVATOR PADA PEKERJAAN GALIAN PEOYEK PEMBANGUNAN MC DONALD VILLA PEKERJAAN GALIAN PEOYEK PEMBANGUNAN MC DONALD VILLA2024-12-23T04:27:10+00:00I Made Adi Kusuma Suardanaadikusumasuardana@gmail.comKadek Adi I Made Wahyu<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The use of heavy equipment in the work process greatly influences the performance of building construction. Heavy equipment can be selected according to work needs and field conditions. As in the MC Donald Villa Construction project which has a large amount of earth excavation activities, it is necessary to use excavator heavy equipment with a PC 75 capacity as the main heavy equipment. One the interesting topic to pay attention to in detail when using this heavy equipment is productivity. Where producvity is a measure of the success of a project. In this research, the productivity of excavator heavy equipment used in the field will be analyzed. The productivity results of excavator heavy equipment with a PC 75 capacity are 96 M3Loose material/Hour.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA DAN WAKTU DALAM PEKERJAAN LISPLANK BETON DENGAN METODE PRECAST PADA PROYEK GEDUNG SMK N 2 KUTA SELATAN DAN METODE KONVENSIONAL PADA PROYEK GEDUNG SMA N 3 KUTA SELATAN2024-12-23T04:34:16+00:00I Komang Pande Yuda Arta Wibawapandeyudaarta@gmail.comKadek Adi Suryawanpandeyudaarta@gmail.comI Made Wahyu<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Lisplank is a building structure that is able to give a touch of beauty to the roof of a building. There are many types of lisplank, especially concrete lisplank. Concrete plank work is carried out using two methods, namely conventional and precast. The South Kuta SMK N 2 Building Project uses the precast method while the South Kuta N 3 High School Project uses the conventional method. By comparing the costs and implementation time for concrete plank work between the use of precast plank and conventional plank and finding which method is effective in terms of cost and time. To determine the right choice of method, an analysis of costs and implementation time is carried out. Next, the analysis results are compared to obtain an effective method to use. Comparison of costs for carrying out each item of conventional concrete plank work costs Rp 1,056,435,018.63 and the time required to complete each item of conventional concrete plank work is 23 days, while the cost for each item of precast plank work is Rp 1,017,472,408.00 and the time required to complete each item of precast concrete plank work is 21 days. After comparing the cost of each precast concrete plank work item, it is Rp. 38,962,610.62 (4%) cheaper and the implementation time for each precast concrete plank work item is 2 days faster (9%) than conventional concrete plank work.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PEKERJAAN ATAP TERHADAP WAKTU DAN BIAYA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN MC DONALD VILLA2024-12-23T05:01:11+00:00I Gede Bayu Pratama Putrabayu.ppratamaa002@gmail.comKadek Adi Suryawanbayu.ppratamaa002@gmail.comI Made Wahyu<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Indonesia as a developing country generally carries out various processes of change, one of which is development efforts. This can be seen from the many construction projects in Indonesia that are currently being carried out or planned. Roof frame construction is a form of construction that functions to support the roof which is located on trusses. Roofing work evaluation aims to assess the level of productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in construction projects. The results of roofing work evaluations can be used to adjust and develop project management strategies, such as calculating time, costs and required resources. This research was conducted with a descriptive design and quantitative survey. Quantitative surveys are a collection of primary data and ask questions to individual or group respondents to collect data that will be processed in this research. Work on time and costs for bituminous roof work on Mc Donald Villa with an area of 100 m2, namely: work on implementation time requires 7 working days, while work on implementation costs requires a cost of Rp18.630.000,00. The time required for bitumen roofing work on Mc Donald Villa is: a. Steel Frame Work WF mm for 5 days b. CNP 100.50 mm Purlin Steel Work for 7 days c. 120 mm Plywood Multiplex Work for 8 days d. Bitumen Roof Work 1000 x 333 x 30 mm for 8 days So the total time for carrying out the work is 26 working days. The labor costs required for the roof construction work on the Mc Donald Villa construction project with an area of 100 m2 cost Rp. 18.630.000.00.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENYUSUNAN KLAIM KONSTRUKSI BERDASARKAN FIDIC RED BOOK PADA PROYEK JIMBARAN GREENHILL2024-12-23T05:06:00+00:00Ni Luh Putu Nadia PrawitasariPrawitanadia1@gmail.comPutu Nyoman<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Jimbaran Greenhill is a villa which is located at Karang Mas St. Jimbaran, Bali. Jimbaran Greenhill Villa owned by PT. Jimbaran Greenhill and PT. Tatamulia Nusantara Indah as the contractor. FIDIC Red Book is used as the base of the contract. While the construction periode, there are many changes that caused by the owner such as wooden work, reinforcement work, formwork, and concreting work. These changes are conveyed directly by the owner to site manager or by Architect’s Instruction. These changes gave an impact to work cost and time. Therefore the contractor submitted claim construction which is FIDIC Red Book as the legal.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA STRUKTUR BANGUNAN HASIL PERENCANAAN RUMAH LANTAI 2 DI DESA KALISADA2024-12-23T05:10:03+00:00Komang Jodi Pratamadodipratama040@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Nyoman<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Structural planning is an important factor to ensure the strength and safety of a building. The structure of the building must be designed to withstand the loads and forces acting on the building. The design of the structure needs to follow the existing requirements in order to achieve efficiency and economy. The purpose of structural cost analysis in the planning of a two-storey house in Kalisada Village is to obtain an efficient and economical structural design and outline the cost of structural work. The data in this study was obtained through interviews with related parties and structural planning data referring to SNI 2847-2019, SNI 1726- 2019, SNI 1727-2020, and PPIUG 1983.. Modeling and analysis of structures using the help of SAP 2000 v.14 program. Based on the results of analysis and planning carried out on the 2nd floor of the house in Kalisada Village, the dimensions of the planned structural elements (sloof 250x350 mm, main beam 250x300 mm, ring beam 200x250 Ring beams 200x250 mm, columns 300x300 mm, 3 floor plates t = 100 mm, t = 120 mm, and foundation 1000x10002500 mm) have met the dimensional criteria of structural elements in accordance with existing regulations. The cost of structural work obtained from the planning of the structure is Rp. 180.500.000,00,- (One Hundred Eighty Million Five hundred thousand Rupiah). and the price /m2 for reinforced concrete structures is Rp 2,600,000,00,-</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGARUH UMUR PEMBONGKARAN STEGER TERHADAP KUALITAS BETON DAN IMPLIKASINYA PADA BIAYA DAN WAKTU (Studi Kasus : Proyek Mal Pelayanan Publik Kabupaten Bangli)2024-12-23T05:14:34+00:00I Komang Mori Nuarthamorinuartha@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Nyoman<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The Bangli Regency Public Service Mall Building was built on 2 floors with a conventional concrete structure. To ensure timely completion, accelerating structural work is important. One effort to speed up the implementation time is to speed up the dismantling of the anchors on the 2nd floor beam and slab elements so that the structural work time will be reduced and the work costs will also be reduced. Based on this, the author raised the title "Analysis of the Effect of Steger Demolition Age on Concrete Quality and Its Implications for Cost and Time (Case Study: Bangli Regency Public Service Mall Project)". This research aims to find out at what age the dismantling of the studs can be carried out so that the concrete is able to accept the load that is working at that time and its effect on time and costs. The building structure is a very important element because it plays a major role in providing strength, stability, and resistance to the loads received by the building. To determine when the stem can be opened and the concrete is able to withstand the load when the stem is opened, a structural analysis using SAP 2000 is needed based on the age of the concrete. This analysis was carried out at concrete ages of 3, 7, and 14 days. The results of the analysis show that the concrete can accept the load when the stem is opened when the concrete is 7 days old. From the time the structural work plan was reviewed, it was 84 days after acceleration to 63 days. Meanwhile, the difference between the plan cost and the cost of the analysis results is IDR 108.036.407, or 7.66%.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional BIAYA STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG BERDASARKAN HASIL PERENCAAN GEDUNG SMAN 2 SUKAWATI2024-12-23T05:19:35+00:00I Komang Gita Sinartakomanggita03@gmail.comI Wayan Intarabobintara@gmail.comI Nyoman<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The structural planning of multi-story buildings is a crucial part of the overall construction process, ensuring that the building not only functions well structurally but also remain safe for its occupants. Therefore, the planning for SMAN 2 Sukawati adheres to the applicable regulatory standards. The planned structural elements include the footings, beams, columns, and slabs. The planning encompasses reinforced concrete structural elements as well as the cost budget planning. The structural loads are designed according to SNI 1726:2020 and PPIUG 1983. The structural plan is represented as a 3D model using AUTOCAD 2020. For modeling and structural analysis, the SAP 2000 v.22 software has been utilized, providing output in the form of internal forces occurring within the structure. The drawings and structural details based on this plan serve as the reference for calculating the volume/quantity of work. Based on the analysis and planning conducted, the dimensions of the planned structural elements have met the dimensional criteria in accordance with the applicable regulations. The floor slabs are designed with thicknesses of 10 cm and 12 cm. The dimensions for the sloof beams are 300x400 mm, and for the beams, they are 350x500 mm, 300x400 mm, and 250x300 mm. The dimensions of the square columns are 350x350 mm and 300x300 mm. The footings are designed with dimensions of 1500x1500 mm and a slab thickness of 400 mm. The total cost for all structural work required based on the planning for SMAN 2 Sukawati is Rp 1,929,309,335.00.</p> </div> </div> </div>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional METODE PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN PONDASI BORE PILE TERHADAP BIAYA PELAKSANAAN PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG DIKLAT RSUD BALI MANDARA2024-12-18T03:39:44+00:00Made Rasnawangga Pradiptamaderanaswangga@gmail.comI Gede Made Oka Aryawanmaderanaswangga@gmail.comI Nyoman Sedana<p>Construction method is a planning process that provides an overview of how to carry out a job, both in general and for each activity. The Bali Mandara Hospital Training Building is located within the hospital area, with soil conditions that have a high- water content due to the river situated directly in front of the building. Therefore, the selection of alternative construction methods must be reliable while maintaining the quality of the foundation to ensure it can be executed effectively and efficiently, which will also impact the construction costs. The purpose and benefit of this study are to determine the bore pile construction method and its associated costs considering the specific conditions of Bali Mandara Hospital. The research design used in this study is quantitative analysis with a descriptive approach, utilizing observation and interview methods. The discussion in this study includes the analysis of the construction method and the cost calculation for the bore pile foundation work based on field survey prices. The result of the construction method analysis indicates that the dry drilling method is used, employing a Hydraulic Rotary Drilling tool. The total cost incurred for completing the entire bore pile foundation work, including drilling, reinforcement work, and casting, is Rp306,201,760 (Three Hundred and Six Million, Two Hundred and One Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty Rupiah).</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA PROYEK VILLA RUMAH RU BERDASARKAN METODE EARNED VALUE 2024-12-18T04:02:21+00:00Ni Kadek Wahyuningsihwahyuningsih8027@gmail.comI.G.A.G Suryanegara Dwipa R.Ssuryanegaradwipars@yahoo.comI Nyoman Sedana<p>The RU Villa construction project is scheduled be completed within 210 days with a contract value Rp. 9,633,784,501.21.The existence a time limit requires good and mature planning and realization in the field so will affect performance. In analyzing data,the author takes data from the beginning of study, namely weeks 1-39.This study uses a type of quantitative data,the quantitative results will be analyzed, the data collected is based information from direct observation at the time of the implementation of the development project. In data collection, interviews are conducted with sources related to permits use the data as well requesting data, where results of data obtained will be used analysis techniques. Data processing uses Earned Value Method, performance of week 1-12 positive value means the acceleration project completion time, while week 13-39 negative value means late, in SPI value in week 1-12 value<1 means project is completed faster while week 13-39 value>1 means implementation of work is delayed, the cost performance with a positive CV value in week 1-36,CPI value of 1 means cost is still below budget, week 37-39 has a negative value with a CPI value<1 means costs incurred are greater than budgeted costs. So the remaining final time for project completion, which is 544 days from the 39 week of the planned time and the remaining final cost project of -Rp119,299,495.58, value obtained is form a negative value, which means that the estimated cost incurred exceeds the budgeted cost, then the project is declared to have suffered a loss.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG MAL PELAYANAN PUBLIK KABUPATEN GIANYAR DITINJAU DARI SEGI BIAYA DAN SEGI WAKTU DENGAN METODE EARNED VALUE 2024-12-18T04:19:19+00:00Gung Ayu Komang Sutrisnayaniayunaya.s@gmail.comI Wayan Wiragaayunaya.s@gmail.comI Wayan Dana<p>The increasing standard of social and monetary life in the eyes of the public or the state, it causes the demand for the value of a project's success also increased. Therefore, a management benchmark is needed to assess the performance of successful and effective project costs and time. One approach to integrated project cost and time control is the earned value method. The study using this method will be applied to the Gianyar Regency Public Service Mall Building Construction project. The purpose of this study is to assess project performance based on cost and time conditions, to determine the estimated project delay, and the total cost requirements to complete the project. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. The study is based on weekly report data on work carried out in weeks 1-19, direct observations in the field and interviews with contractors. From the results of the study until week 19, it is known that there will be a delay of 13.97 days with the EAS value of 223.97 days which is slower than the planned schedule of 210 days. The total estimated cost of project completion is obtained from the EAC value of Rp. 63,063,581,618.60 with the VAC value obtained at Rp. 207,592,723.01, indicating that the estimated final project cost is 0.328% more economical than the initial contract value of Rp. 63,271,174,341.61.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional CACAT KONSTRUKSI DENGAN METODE SIX SIGMA PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BANGUNAN (Studi Kasus: Proyek Icon bali)2024-12-18T04:42:51+00:00Ni Nyoman Trisna Pradnyani Putritrisnapradnyani1810@gmail.comI Nyoman Suardikansuardika@gmail.comI Wayan Dana<p>Construction projects in Indonesia are rapidly developing but often face issues with construction defects that reduce quality. Structural elements that frequently suffer from damage or defects are beams, columns, and slabs. This study aims to identify the dominant types of defects, obtain defect values, determine the causes of these defects, and provide recommendations for corrective actions to reduce construction defects. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive approach. The research process and data analysis utilize the Six Sigma method as a problem-solving tool, which includes the improvement phases of DMAI (Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve). The analysis results reveal that the dominant types of defects are hollow structural concrete, poorly finished concrete corners, deflection in structural concrete, and hairline cracks in structural concrete. The average sigma defect level for structural concrete columns is 2.8 sigma, for structural concrete beams is 3.7 sigma, and for concrete slabs is 3.4 sigma. The causes of construction defects are attributed to human factors, methods, quality, materials, machine, and the environment. Recommended corrective actions for defects include using grouting methods in areas experiencing defects or damage.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional TEBAL PERKERASAN LENTUR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE ANALISA KOMPONEN DAN METODE LENDUTAN MENGGUNAKAN ALAT BENKELMAN BEAM (Studi Kasus: Jl. Tukad Badung, Denpasar Selatan, Bali)2024-12-18T04:55:53+00:00Komang Ayu Gina Cahyaniginachyy23@gmail.comI Wayan Wayan Darya<p>Currently, infrastructure development is increasing in various regions, one of which is supporting transportation infrastructure in the industrial sector. A construction project is an activity planned and implemented to build, modify or repair physical structures or infrastructure, such as buildings, roads, bridges, dams and so on. The aim of a construction project is to create infrastructure that supports and supports community activities in accordance with the established budget and schedule. Based on observations on Jl. Tukad Badung, this road experienced moderate damage caused by the existing asphalt which had not been renewed so that over time the road was damaged and made passing motorists less comfortable. It is necessary to plan the construction of a new road for comfortable driving for those crossing Jl. Tukad Badung. The results of measurements in the field showed that the road length was 2.35km, where I set STA 0+000 in front of Kunudhhani and STA 2+350 ended in front of Kimia Farma (Jl. Tukad Badung-Jl. Tukad Yeh Aya junction), the road width was 7 meters and the width of the road shoulder is 3 meters. From the results of the planning I did on Jl. Tukad Badung, South Denpasar with a road length of STA 0+000 – STA 2+350, the conclusion is obtained, namely a calculation using the Component Analysis Method, the result is that the required pavement thickness = 5 cm in the form of AC-WC. Calculations using the Deflection Method, the required pavement thickness results are AC – WC = 4cm, AC – BC = 6cm and Aggregate A = 30cm.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGARUH CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER TERHADAP BIAYA DAN WAKTU 2024-12-18T05:06:00+00:00Dewi Awaliyah Fitridewiawaliyahfitri16@gmail.comWayan Darya Supartadewiawaliyahfitri16@gmail.comWayan<p>Contract Change Order (CCO) in a construction project is an event that results in modifications both in the scope of work, implementation time and cost. According to data from the Public Works Office of the Buleleng Regency Government, the construction work of buildings that occurred in 2022 amounted to six, where of the six projects experienced CCO. This research was conducted using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the factors that cause CCO in the construction project of the Faculty of Medicine Lecture Building of Ganesha Education University are adjusting the needs that become the standard at Ganesha Education University, adjusting the minimum system improvement that must be met, adjusting the owner's request for work improvement, adjusting to the plan drawings, which were previously not included in the offer, adjusting to the availability of materials in the market and adjust existing conditions. As a result, there is a change in costs by 10% of the contract value. However, the change in work or CCO does not cause a change in time, either additional or reduced implementation time.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional FAKTOR PENYEBAB KETERLAMBATAN PROYEK DENGAN METODE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS DAN METODE CRASHING UNTUK PERCEPATAN 2024-12-18T05:25:02+00:00Rizky Pradiptakadekrizkypradipta@gmail.comWayan Darya Supartakadekrizkypradipta@gmail.comWayan<p>Delays in the project are very important because they can affect the profits that the contractor gets. If there is an unwanted delay in the project, the contractor can be fined in the form of a financial penalty that affects the profit obtained by the contractor. If this happens, the contractor will look for solutions to accelerate to catch up with the existing lag so that delays can be anticipated. One of the ways contractors use to catch up due to project delays is by crashing. This study uses a mixed approach. The data used is data obtained directly from the project by conducting interviews directly with project staff and also requesting project data. The result of this study is that 9 factors were obtained that caused delays that occurred in the Lira Medika Hospital construction project, Badung. As for the acceleration using the crash method, the most optimal result was obtained by increasing the workforce, which reduced the project duration by 84 days (project completion time to 209 days) at an additional cost of Rp 29,782,500.00. Meanwhile, by increasing working hours (overtime), the project duration was reduced by 81 days (project completion time to 212 days) at an additional cost of Rp 117.140.625,00.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER TERHADAP PERUBAHAN BIAYA DAN WAKTU PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN VILLA X2 BERAWA2024-12-18T05:38:34+00:00I Kadek Bagus Sentana Prayogasentanap5@gmail.comI Wayan Darya Supartasentanap5@gmail.comI Wayan Sujahtra<p>Changes in work can be in the form of additions, reductions, or even replacement of the scope of work that has been mutually agreed upon in the initial contract. The changes are poured into the Contract Change Order (CCO). Contract Change Order. A contract change order (CCO) is a written agreement to amend a contract document that contains modifications, additions, or other alternatives to the work. The factor that causes the occurrence of contract change orders is the construction factor where the inconsistency of the planning volume with the realization in the field is the main cause. The impact of the contract change order was a change in the project budget which increased by Rp. 373,615,000 and the delay in the completion time of the project which was initially expected to be completed in 270 days to 390 days.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional SISA MATERIAL BAJA TULANGAN DENGAN METODE BAR BENDING SCHEDULE PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG KANTOR CAMAT KUTA UTARA2024-12-18T05:48:14+00:00I Made Yoga Saputrayoga67742@gmaill.comI Wayan Arya yoga67742@gmaill.comI.G.A. Neny Purnawirati<p>In the implementation of construction projects, reinforcing steel material is a component that greatly influences the cost of a project. Reinforcing steel material in the composition of concrete is a component that determines the cost of a project. In the implementation of construction projects in the field, the use of reinforcing steel material often results in quite large material waste which greatly affects the cost of the construction project, therefore it is necessary to try to minimize the remaining reinforcing steel material. To be able to reduce the remaining reinforcing steel material, it can be done by optimizing the need for reinforcing steel so that it can reduce the remaining pieces that can be formed. The purpose of this study was to calculate the need and percentage of waste of reinforcing steel in foundations, sloofs, columns and beams based on shop drawings in the North Kuta District Office Building Construction Project. The method used to optimize the need for reinforcing steel is the bar bending schedule method. From this study, the results of the need for D19 reinforcing steel were 1056 bars, D16 iron was 80 bars and ø10 iron was 643 bars. Then the remaining iron waste material produced is D19 iron of 6.35%, D16 iron of 0.45%, and ø10 iron of 4.83%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN PERHITUNGAN VOLUME DAN BIAYA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG B/C VILLA PETITE SEMINYAK BERBASIS BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) 2024-12-18T05:56:12+00:00Michael Marshallenomichaelmarshalleno6@gmail.comI Wayan Suasiraiwayansuasira@yahoo.comIda Bagus Putu<p>The purpose of this research is to apply a BIM-based work volume calculation method using Tekla Structures software as a comparison to the conventional method calculation in terms of volume and cost in the B/C Villa Petite Seminyak building construction project. This research was carried out by modeling the building structure in Tekla Structures software according to the plan drawings and project RKS, data in the form of plan drawings, RKS and RAB obtained from the contractor. In this study, the comparison obtained in concrete work is 14.18% and in ironing work is 4.7% (kg) and 20.94% (m2), the difference in total cost in structural work is 9.16%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN WAKTU DAN BIAYA PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN BALOK BETON BERTULANG ANTARA METODE BETON KONVENSIONAL DAN PRECAST ( Studi Kasus Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Udayana ) 2024-12-18T06:02:56+00:00Ni Kadek I Made Suardana Kaderimadesuardanakader@gmail.comKadek Adi<p>Currently, the development of the world of construction is growing rapidly with the existence of various breakthrough methods in terms of planning and methods of carrying out work. With advances in technology, of course, more and more methods are created to facilitate the implementation of construction development. So that with these various methods, the choices for carrying out construction work are also increasingly diverse according to needs and still pay attention to the terms of time, quality or cost. In the world of construction, there are jobs that are considered very important, namely structural work, one of which is concrete structures. In general, there are 2 methods of concrete work used, namely the conventional method and the precast or precast method. The purpose of this study is to compare the cost and time of carrying out conventional beam work with precast beams. The results of this study are that precast beams are more expensive with an average difference of Rp. 87.730.569 or 23.18% of conventional beams and precast beams work faster with an average difference of 28.21% of conventional beams and differences in floors with the same type of beam do not have a large effect on costsand time.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional KINERJA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN TERINTEGRASI RANCANG BANGUN RUMAH SAKIT INTERNASIONAL BALI, DENPASAR 2024-12-18T06:09:11+00:00Anak Agung Bagus Wycan Dwijayadwijayabagus16@gmail.comMade Sudiarsa Adi<p>The design and build system offers an alternative compared with the traditional bid-build system, the design and build providing advantages in accelerating construction and improving procurement efficiency because the planning & the cosntruction running simultaneously. This study focuses on the Bali International Hospital Project in Denpasar, analyzing its performance within a designbuild framework. While this system often outperforms traditional methods, it also encounters challenges that can hinder project optimization. this performance analysis is essential to understand the project's outcomes and identify factors affecting its success. Performance project was evaluated through questionnaire surveys namely in three phases the design, construction, and overall project phases. furthermore The Scoreing method was applied to categorize performance result levels, followed by interviews with key project stakeholders to identify underlying issues. The study utilized Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and the Method for Obtaining Cut Set (MOCUS) to examine indicators that received poor ratings. Results revealed that the design phase of the Bali International Hospital project achieved a "fair" rating. However, the overall project performance received a lower score compared to the design and construction phases, with ratings of 3.19 (poor), 3.60 (fair), and 3.69 (fair), respectively.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional WASTE MATERIAL BESI PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR MENGGUNAKAN METODE BAR BENDING SCHEDULE (STUDI KASUS: PEMBANGUNAN PROYEK ICON BALI MALL, DENPASAR)2024-12-19T07:19:30+00:00I Wayan Sumartanaiwayansumartana142@gmail.comNi Kadek Sri Ebtha Adi<p>In the implementation of construction project construction, there is reinforcing iron material. Reinforcement iron has a fairly high value so this material must be calculated and rearranged very carefully in order to get the optimal iron value. This study aims to find out the need for reinforcing iron, the percentage of remaining reinforcing iron materials, the cost comparison of reinforcing iron needs and the cost budget plan. The research methods used are descriptive methods and analytical approaches. The data analysis stage is carried out to calculate the need for reinforcing iron and the remaining (waste) of rebar using the Bar Bending Schedule method. From the results of the data analysis, the calculation of the need for reinforcing iron was obtained, namely D10 as many as 50,858 bars, D13 as many as 23,797 bars, D16 as many as 4,385 bars, D19 as many as 2,105 bars, D22 as many as 31,447 bars, S13 as many as 2,336 bars, S16 as many as 7,190 bars, S19 as many as 4,118 bars, S22 as many as 124 bars, S15 as many as 117 bars, and the average waste produced reached 5%. The cost of the total need for reinforcing iron is Rp. 22,839,464,959.54. The result of the iron cost requirement using the Bar Bending Schedule is smaller than the result in the Cost Budget Plan with a difference of Rp. 1,067,703,920.62 resulting in a savings of 4.68%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DINDING BATA RINGAN DENGAN HASIL ANALISA DI LAPANGAN DAN HASIL ANALISA PERMEN PUPR 08-20232024-12-19T07:24:12+00:00I Wayan Eka Ari Pradanaekaaripradanaa@gmail.comI Made Tapa Yasaekaaripradanaa@gmail.comKadek Adi<p>Abstract In the construction industry, an important factor that can influence the ability to compete is one's own productivity. Can save time and costs by increasing work productivity. However, due to different environmental and labor conditions in construction projects, there are several components that can affect work productivity. The aim of this research is to evaluate the quality of workers in installing lightweight brick walls to meet the desired standards and meet long-term project needs. Observation or direct observation of objects in the field is the expected way to carry out this research. Based on research carried out, calculations show that the average labor productivity value is 31,599 m2/day for foremen, 22,185 m2/day for head craftsmen, 19,834 m2/day for craftsmen, and 12,379 m2/day for workers, with the labor coefficient 0.033, 0.023, 0.054, and 0.083, respectively. Comparison of the costs of installing light brick walls, PUPR Ministerial Regulation 08-2023 with observations in the field, resulted in the Total Price of PUPR 08-2023: Rp. 10,943,207. 69. Total Analysis Price in the field: Rp. 9,023,315.64. Difference: Rp. 1,919,892.04. (One Million, Nine Hundred and Nineteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety Two. Zero Four Rupiah) Percentage Difference: 18%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PEKERJAAN VARIATION ORDER (TAMBAH KURANG) FINISHING LANTAI DUA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG MAL MELAYANAN PUBLIK GIANYAR2024-12-19T07:29:15+00:00I Dewa Made Dwi Mahardikadewamade1110@gmail.comI Nyoman Anom Purwa Winayaekaaripradanaa@gmail.comKetut Wiwin<p>Construction projects are complex activities that require good cooperation and coordination from all parties. In its implementation, construction projects require good resources to run smoothly, such as appropriate work methods, reliable labor, good equipment, appropriate materials, and funds for the project. Construction projects often undergo changes, both in the early, middle, and late stages of the project. These changes can affect the implementation time, modification of the scope of work, and project costs. One example of a construction project that experienced changes is the construction of the Public Service Mall Building in Gianyar, Bali. The project underwent Variation Order on its five floors as a result of changes in demand from related parties. A Variation Order is a written change proposal from the contractor to the project owner to change some conditions of the original contract document. In this case study, the author only presents the Variation Order work on the secondfloor finishing work. The Variation Order process must go through several stages and involve several authorized parties. Therefore, the right strategy is needed in dealing with the Variation Order so that it does not have a significant effect on cost, quality, and time. Based on the results of the Variation Order work recalculation, there are 31 types of work items, where there is additional work amounting to Rp 146,825,235.40. The percentage of influence of this Variation Order work</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional, PELAKSANAAN, DAN PENGENDALIAN PROYEK KONSTRUKSI VILLA PETITE MENGGUNAKAN METODE CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM)2024-12-19T07:35:35+00:00I Putu Bagus Krishna Putra Pratamabaguskrishna321@gmail.comI Nyoman Anom Purwa Winayaratnaniee@yahoo.comKetut Wiwin<p>Before starting a construction project it is very important to start with good planning, how to implement it, as well as controlling the project. In the construction project of the Petite Villa Development in planning the Cost Budget Design using Lot units, which can result in significant losses if it is much lower than the Cost Budget Design which is analyzed by calculating the actual volume. In planning and monitoring the scheduling, it only uses the S-curve with work items that are not detailed or global in nature, as a result the entire project has a delay of -16.9862% and -5.4534% in Villa BC. After re-planning by the author from the volume calculation, the results of the Cost Budget Design planning with a total structural cost of IDR 1,7827,906,257.59 using the AHSP Denpasar City 2023 with a difference of IDR 752,000,000. with Cost Budget Design data from the contractor of IDR 1,035,300,000.00 using lot units. And for scheduling planning from the author, it is obtained for a total man power of 6713 with a project time of 23 weeks (161 days) analyzed for man days obtained by 52 workers per day. With 21 work items that include critical work</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional WASTE MATERIAL BESI BETON PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PROYEK KIARA OCEAN PLACE CANGGU2024-12-19T05:50:26+00:00Ni Luh Irma Diyantiluhirma03@gmail.comI Gusti Lanang Made Parwitaluhirma03@gmail.comI Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahesa Adi<p>Waste material is defined as material that is no longer used and is generated from construction, repair, or modification processes. A common issue is how to manage waste so that in future projects, the losses caused by waste can be reduced in both percentage and amount. This study will analyze the amount of concrete waste <br>that occurs in each structural work item of the Kiara Ocean Place Canggu project. The aim of this research is to determine the amount and percentage of waste using the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) method. The research steps involve calculating material requirements based on as-built drawings, calculating material purchases based on project daily reports, calculating leftover material, determining the quantity of leftover material, calculating the cost of leftover material, calculating the percentage of leftover material cost, and analyzing the research data using descriptive quantitative analysis with the help of Microsoft Excel. The study found that the percentage of waste was 2.77% or 17,501.67 kg out of 631,829.35 kg of steel used in the Kiara Ocean Place Canggu project. The percentage of the leftover material cost relative to the work cost was 0.0003% or Rp 24,502,338 compared to the project value of Rp 81,000,000,000.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional MANAJEMEN MATERIAL PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN UNIT SEKOLAH BARU SMA NEGERI 2 SUKAWATI KABUPATEN GIANYAR2024-12-20T04:22:07+00:00I Komang Sendra Majayantaramangsendramajayantara@gmail.comAnak Agung Putri Kadek Sri Ebtha<p>The success of a construction project can be seen from existing resources and influenced by material management. Material management is the most dominant component, so it is necessary to manage and implement good material management. This research aims to find out how the management process and implementation of material management is in the construction project for a new school unit at SMA Negeri 2 Sukawati in Gianyar Regency, both from the material ordering process to the material storage process.The research location for this research is the construction project for a new school unit at SMA Negeri 2 Sukawati in Gianyar Regency. This research was carried out by creating structured questions about the process and management and implementation of material management in the construction of the new school unit at SMA Negeri 2 Sukawati in Gianyar Regency. Then, interviews were conducted with respondents who were directly involved in project work, and the data was analyzed for its suitability to the observation conditions that occurred in the field.Based on the research results, it was found that the main obstacle in the process of implementing and managing material management for the new school unit construction project at SMA Negeri 2 Sukawati in Gianyar Regency, namely the lack of good human resources (labor) in understanding the importance of a material management process both from the ordering process to material storage process. Mitigations measures can be taken for this, such as increasing the number of storage warehouse and creating security posts.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional WASTE MATERIAL PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG LT.II SD NEGERI 17 PEMECUTAN2024-12-20T04:28:49+00:00I Made Aldo Bayu Ketut Kadek Sri Ebtha<p>The increasing demand for infrastructure development requires efficient planning and management, particularly in the use of materials. Project materials significantly impact both the cost and success of a project. However, waste material often arises due to damaged materials or worker negligence, leading to losses and construction waste. To address this issue, large-scale projects need to implement a Waste Management Plan and effective material management to ensure accuracy in timing, quantity, and costs during construction. This study is conducted using a quantitative descriptive analysis method. Dominant waste materials in the construction project of SD Negeri 17 Pemecutan include D16 steel, Gresik cement, concrete blocks, M6 wire mesh, M8 wire mesh, sand for mortar, D13 steel, concrete sand, fill sand, and 40x40cm smooth ceramic tiles. Waste material is a common occurrence in every construction project; however, waste that is detrimental to the contractor can be minimized through optimal material supervision and control. Future research is recommended to cover a broader scope of work to provide a more comprehensive study and consider factors not addressed in this research.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional RENCANA ANGGARAN PELAKSANAAN (RAP) PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PROYEK EDENFILD VILLA2024-12-20T04:36:25+00:00Ni Kadek Muliyantimuliyantikadek@gmail.comI Wayan Suasiramuliyantikadek@gmail.comNi Kadek Sri Ebtha<p>Implementation of a construction project is a series of organized activities using resources and having a certain time limit. In a construction project, there are 3 main aspects that need to be considered, namely time, cost and quality. To find out the extent of the comparison between the Budget Plan for structural work costs using the 2023 AHSP and the Implementation Budget Plan. This research design uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method. Quantitative descriptive in general is research carried out by collecting large amounts of data as needed, then the data will be interpreted, analyzed and used to draw conclusions regarding the condition of the object under study based on the data obtained. Comparison of Wage costs with the Planned Cost Budget of Rp. 113,246,402 and the Implementation Budget Plan is IDR 96,159,960, with a difference in wage costs of IDR 17,266,443 or 15.22%, the comparison of the cost of equipment requirements with the Cost Budget Plan is IDR 7,305,531 and the Implementation Budget Plan is IDR 6,604,394, with The difference in tool costs is IDR 701,137 or 9.60%. The Implementation Budget Plan obtained from the Edenfild Villa project is Rp. 432,125,553.70 with a difference between the Plan Budget (RAB) and the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) of Rp. IDR 104,864,964.44 or 19.86% of the Planned Cost Budget. Which means the cost of the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) is smaller than the Cost Budget Plan (RAB) based on the 2023 AHSP.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional METODE LEAN CONSTRUCTION DAN PENJADWALAN CRITICAL CHAIN PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNTUK MEMINIMALISIR NON-PHYSICAL WASTE PADA PROYEK VILLA LANGE, TUMBAK BAYUH, BADUNG, BALI 2024-12-20T04:42:46+00:00Putu Adi Purnamadiputu.adi.purnamadi@mail.comI Nyoman Ramiaputu.adi.purnamadi@mail.comNi Made Sintya<p>A project will still face the problem of inefficiency in the process of implementing work. Inefficiencies in the project will result in waste. The risk of waste will affect the smooth implementation of the project. As in the example of a construction project carried out by PT Bingkai Langit Konstruksi namely the Villa Lange construction project located in Tumbak Bayuh Village, which experienced a delay in the schedule. This research aims to find out how much non-physical waste occurs in the Villa Lange project with the questionnaire distribution method and the borda method, as well as to find out the mitigation actions for the waste. Another objective is for the total duration obtained from the application of the CCPM method in the Villa Lange project. From the research that has been conducted, the highest level of non-physical waste is defect with a weight of 26.9%. Mitigation actions that can be taken are to increase supervision in every job and always do a checklist. Also, from scheduling with the CCPM method, the duration of the feeding buffer is 14 days, while the duration of the project buffer is 129 days. With a total project completion duration of 364 days if the project buffer is used thoroughly.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional WASTE MATERIAL KONSTRUKSI PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN SMPN 16 DENPASAR2024-12-20T04:53:02+00:00Ni Luh Made Wina I Wayan Wiraga2wiraga1964@gmail.comNi Made Sintya<p>The implementation of construction development will not escape the existence of material waste. In the SMPN 16 Denpasar Development Project, there is material waste caused by improper implementation methods and excessive material purchases because material waste can cause costs that affect the cost of project implementation. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of waste that occurs, determine the amount of waste cost that occurs due to material waste, and determine the percentage of waste cost to the total project cost in the SMPN 16 Denpasar Development Project. The data obtained from this research comes from interviews with related parties, collecting project data related to materials, and direct observation in the field. This research uses data analysis, namely quantitative, to determine the type of material and quantity of waste by calculating the waste level and waste cost. Furthermore, the percentage comparison of waste costs with the total project cost was calculated. The results of this study indicate that the waste level in the construction of SMPN 16 Denpasar is 2.2665%. The waste cost that occurred due to material waste amounted to Rp. 88,893,186.95. The percentage comparison between waste costs and total project costs is 0.622%.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN WAKTU DAN BIAYA PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BALOK PRECAST DAN BALOK KONVENSIONAL PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG KANTOR (DPMPTSP, DISNAKER, DISKES, DAN CAPIL) KABUPATEN GIANYAR2024-12-20T05:21:26+00:00I Kadek Bagus Krisna Nugrahakrisnanugraha1200@gmail.comI Wayan Wiragawiraga1964@gmail1.comNi Made Sintya<p>Infrastructure development in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly. Construction projects are continuously evolving with the changing times. With technological advancements, more methods are being developed to facilitate construction implementation. In the ongoing execution of a project, choosing the right method can yield optimal results. In construction, there are two known methods for concrete work: the conventional method and the precast method. The aim of this research is to compare the time and cost of implementing conventional beams versus precast beams and determine which method is the most effective to use. This research employs a descriptive quantitative research design. The results of this study show a comparison of time and costs between conventional and precast beam work. The implementation time for precast beams is faster by 4.10 hours or 8.7% compared to conventional beams, and precast beams incur higher costs, amounting to Rp. 6,043,670.76 or 10.06% more than conventional beams. The most effective method to use is the precast method.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PRODUKTIVITAS TENAGA KERJA PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN APARTEMEN KIARA OCEAN PLACE CANGGU2024-12-20T04:59:07+00:00Kadek Krisna Dewikrisnadewi569@gmail.comI Nyoman Putu Indah<p>Kiara Ocean Place is an apartment or residential development project with complete facilities in a multi[1]story building. During the construction of the structure of this project building, some delays resulted in a time discrepancy with the implementation schedule. Labor productivity is one of the determining factors for the success of a development project in the construction industry. This study aims to find out the average labor productivity, labor wage cost needs per unit of work, and factors that affect productivity that can be used as a tool to determine the success of a project. The result of this study is the average value of labor productivity per day for each work of the reinforced structure, namely the assembly of 100 kgs of column iron of 2076.79 kgs/day, the assembly of 100 kgs of iron beams of 1225.36 kgs/day and the assembly of 100 kgs of plate iron of 1569.48 kgs/day. The installation work of 1 m² of column formwork is 127.20 m²/day, the installation work of 1 m² of beam formwork is 81.63 m²/day and the installation work of 1 m² of beam formwork of plate is 99.62 m²/day. Column casting work of 7.08 m³/hour, beam casting of 4.30 m³/hour, and plate casting of 7.88 m³/hour. The wage cost of assembly labor per 100 kgs of column iron is IDR 37,183.19, assembly per 100 kgs of iron beams is IDR 204,454.75, and assembly per 100 kgs of plate iron is IDR 101,142.57. The installation work of 1 m² of column formwork amounted to IDR 5,042.12, 1 m² of beam formwork amounted to IDR 13,271.77, and 1 m² of plate formwork amounted to IDR 11,953.04. The work of 1 m³ of column casting amounted to IDR 73,937.08, 1 m³ of beam casting amounted to Rp 50,499.00, and 1 m³ of plate casting amounted to IDR 27,248.88. Factors that greatly affect labor productivity in reinforced concrete structure work are the wage level or salary system and the condition of available work tools reducing labor productivity. Keywords: Project, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Productivity</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERBANDINGAN METODE PEKERJAAN PLESTERAN MENGGUNAKAN SEMEN PASIR DENGAN MORTAR INSTAN TERHADAP WAKTU DAN BIAYA (STUDI KASUS : PROYEK RUMAH SAKIT LIRA MEDIKA)2024-12-20T05:04:55+00:00I Putu Kusuma Adi Permanaadikusumapermana@gmail.comI Nyoman Putu Indah<p>A construction project is a series of activities in building facilities and infrastructure. Project execution requires a measurement of productivity that serves as a parameter for project success. The purpose of the study was to compare the average productivity of cement, sand, and instant mortar and compare the cost and time of the two stuccoes. The method used is comparative descriptive with data collection through observation and field surveys. The research shows that the productivity of cement sand in normal time is 10,640 m2/day, and the productivity of instant mortar plastering in normal time is 15,841 m2/day. The price of a cement sand stucco unit is Rp 82,630.31, if overtime is Rp 52,672.71, instant mortar stucco is Rp 95,579.86. The difference in the total cost of sand cement stucco analysis for AHSP Badung 2023 if applied to a wall covering an area of 6,025.91 m2 is IDR 20,760,194.67 or 3.20%. The total price difference of instant mortar stucco analysis for AHSP Badung 2023 is IDR 117,676,917.54 or 9.27%. The study shows that applying sand cement stucco in normal time can be completed in 113.269 days if overtime can be completed in 83.516 days while instant mortar plastering can be completed in 76.079 days. The time difference between the two stuccos is 37.190 days</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENGARUH DAN PENYEBAB CONTRACT CHANGE OREDER (CCO) TERHADAP WAKTU PELAKSANAAN PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG KANTOR (DPMPTSP, DISNAKER, DISKES, DAN CAPIL) KABUPATEN GIANYAR2024-12-19T06:47:11+00:00Kadek Meling Erika Elssyadianakadekmeling@gmail.comI Nyoman Suardikansuardika@gmail.comNi Putu Indah<p>In The implementation of building construction projects often involves discrepancies between the actual conditions on site and the planned results, leading to the issuance of change orders or CCO (Contract Change Order). The occurrence of CCO in construction projects impacts both the time and cost of project implementation. This research aims to analyze the extent of the impact of Contract Change Order (CCO) on contract value and project duration, and to identify the factors causing Contract Change Order (CCO). The research method used combines both qualitative and quantitative data (mixed methods). The analysis results show that Contract Change Order (CCO) in phases I and II did not alter the contract value. However, CCO in phase III changed the contract value from IDR 70,231,000,000.00 to IDR 72,054,210,000.00, representing a 2.60% increase.The project duration remains unchanged at 30 weeks or 210 days despite the Contract Change Order (CCO). The factors causing Contract Change Order (CCO) include additions and reductions in the scope of work items, discrepancies between drawings and actual site conditions, the addition of new work items, and changes in building design.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PERUBAHAN RENCANA DESAIN ARSITEKTUR TERHADAP WAKTU PELAKSANAAN PROYEK (STUDI KASUS : GEDUNG A PROYEK BALI INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL)2024-12-19T06:53:31+00:00Ni Putu Isha Octaviaishaoctavia2001@gmail.comI Nyoman Suardikansuardika@gmail.comNi Putu Indah<p>The construction industry in Indonesia has been rapidly advancing. The design and build method is one form of innovation in construction work that speeds up infrastructure development. However, this method also leads to changes in design, materials, and other aspects during the execution of work, which can result in construction management failures. This study analyzes the impact of changes in architectural design plans on other work, the effect of changes in architectural design plans on time, and measures that can be taken to control project delays. The research uses a descriptive quantitative method with the Microsoft Project application to create project scheduling according to the planned time schedule and the addendum time schedule, to identify work items that experience changes and the addition of work duration. The results show that changes in architectural design plans affect changes in wall work, ceiling work, door and window installation work, sink work, wall panel work, and painting work. It also impacts the critical nature of architectural work, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) work, and interior work, leading to an increase in the duration of architectural work from 307 days to 706 days, meaning an increase of 399 days from the initial plan. The most effective measure recommended to address delays is to increase the workforce to enhance the completion rate of work daily.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PRODUKTIVITAS DAN BIAYA REALISASI PADA PENGANGKATAN RANGKA ATAP BAJA DENGAN PENGGUNAAN MOBILE CRANE DAN TAKEL KATROL (STUDI KASUS PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG SARANA DAN PRASARANA KANTOR IMIGRASI KELAS II TPI SINGARAJA BALI)2024-12-20T05:16:03+00:00Komang Prasetya Septi Tamahadiprasetyaseptitamahadi@gmail.comGede Yasadaprasetyaseptitamahadi@gmail.comYuliana<p>In the lifting of the heavy steel roof truss in the Construction Project of the Class II Immigration Office Facilities and Infrastructure Building, TPI Singaraja uses two methods, namely the mechanical method and the manual method. The tools used in the work are the P&H Tadano 45T Mobile Crane in the mechanical method and the pulley takel in the manual method. The use of these two methods is due to the inadequate access space in the project, the mobile crane cannot enter and work in the back area of the project so that in the back area work a pulley takel is used. From the research and data processing, the average productivity of Mobile cranes during 5 days of observation was 2,777.50 kg/hour. The highest productivity on the second observation day was 5,303.53 kg/hour, while the lowest productivity on the fifth observation day was 944.62 kg/hour. From the recapitulation of the calculation of the time effectiveness of the Mobile crane, the average effectiveness during observation or for 5 days, is 16%. The cost of a mobile crane per hour is Rp 1,477,150.00 /hour and the total cost of realizing a mobile crane for 5.51 hours is Rp 8,140,000.00. The average productivity of Takel pulleys during the 5 days of observation was 1,363.56 kg/hour. The highest productivity on the second observation day was 1,602.48 kg/hour, while the lowest productivity on the third and fifth observation days was 1,089.10 kg/hour. From the recapitulation of the calculation of the effectiveness of the pulley takel time, the average effectiveness during observation or for 5 days, which is 7%. The cost of a pulley takel per hour is Rp 537,200.00 /hour and the total cost of realizing a pulley takel for 2.71 hours is Rp 1,477,300.00.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional PENYEBAB DAN DAMPAK KETERLAMBATAN PROYEK MENGGUNAKAN METODE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS DAN EVENT TREE ANALYSIS (STUDI KASUS PROYEK VILA MARC KLOK)2024-12-19T07:03:53+00:00Fatma Nur JanahFatmajanah15@gmail.comI Wayan<p>During the construction phase, the Marc Klok Villa project experienced delays due to several factors, necessitating actions to prevent ongoing risks. The Marc Klok project, initially scheduled for completion on December 31, 2023, was actually finished on May 31, 2024, resulting in significant delays. This study was conducted to analyze the dominant factors causing project delays using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and to understand the impacts of these delays using Event Tree Analysis (ETA). The findings of this research are expected to serve as additional references for construction industry practitioners to reduce the risk of delays in project execution. Among the six factors contributing to the delays in the Marc Klok Villa project, the most dominant factor was the design drawings. The analysis of the impact scenarios and risk levels associated with the frequency of project delays using Event Tree Analysis indicates that the design drawings have a probability and consequence at the initiating event level with an "Extreme" risk rating</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional MINI GREEN HOUSE UNTUK BUDIDAYA PEMBIBITAN KAKAO MELALUI PEMANFAATAN SISA MATERIAL KONSTRUKSI 2024-12-15T05:22:35+00:00Ni Kadek Sri Ebtha Putu Indah Ketut Mahardika<p><em>Currently, agricultural land has changed its function into buildings such as housing, real estate, and industry with the consideration of having a high selling value. A green house can be defined as a building for plant cultivation, which has a translucent roof and wall structure that functions to manipulate the environment so that the plants in it can develop. The purpose of making this green house is to maintain the temperature in it to be conditioned according to the needs of plants. Building construction will always have positive and negative impacts, from one of the negative impacts that arise due to development is the appearance of residual construction materials. The design of the mini green house building built for cocoa cultivation is 6 m x 12.5 m x 3.5 m. The materials that make up the frame are light steel leftover construction materials, bricks, sand, and cement that are not reused. The construction cost when using all materials is IDR 24,407,903. The remaining materials of construction buildings that can be used are in the form of light steel, cement, sand. By utilizing the remaining construction materials, a construction cost of Rp 17,321,500 was obtained. The difference obtained from the real cost is IDR 7,086,403 or 29.03%.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional ABRASI DAN AKRESI PESISIR PANTAI DENGAN METODE DIGITAL SHORELINE ANALYSIS SYSTEM2024-12-29T15:30:12+00:00Made Ayu Puspa Mahaditya Chandraayupuspamaha@gmail.comDewa Nyoman Cahyadi Augustiana Putradanuart12@gmail.comI Gede Made Dwija Baskaraadexodus520@gmail.comRicko Ahmad IDSrikoahmadids@gmail.comI Kadek Dwi Saptawanaptawansapta@gmail.comIda Bagus Putu Mas Ramanda Putragusmas123456789@gmail.comMuhammad Aditya<p>Abrasi dan akresi berpotensi terjadi di seluruh wilayah pesisir Bali yang mengakibatkan adanya perubahan garis pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan abrasi dan akresi yang terjadi di wilayah Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) dengan data berupa peta landsat tahun 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 dan 2024. Pemetaan dilakukan dengan fitur Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) berbasis GIS untuk memperoleh besaran abrasi dan akresi di sepanjang pesisir pantai Kuta, Bali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar wilayah pesisir pantai mengalami abrasi yang memerlukan tindak lanjut berupa pengelolaan kawasan pesisir dan penyediaan infrastruktur pendukung pantai</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ketekniksipilan Bidang Vokasional