
  • Ni Kadek Muliyanti Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Wayan Suasira Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Ni Kadek Sri Ebtha Yuni Politeknik Negeri Bali


Cost Budget Plan, Implementation Budget Plan, Price, Materials, Wages, Tools, Comparison


Implementation of a construction project is a series of organized activities using resources and having a certain time limit. In a construction project, there are 3 main aspects that need to be considered, namely time, cost and quality. To find out the extent of the comparison between the Budget Plan for structural work costs using the 2023 AHSP and the Implementation Budget Plan. This research design uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method. Quantitative descriptive in general is research carried out by collecting large amounts of data as needed, then the data will be interpreted, analyzed and used to draw conclusions regarding the condition of the object under study based on the data obtained. Comparison of Wage costs with the Planned Cost Budget of Rp. 113,246,402 and the Implementation Budget Plan is IDR 96,159,960, with a difference in wage costs of IDR 17,266,443 or 15.22%, the comparison of the cost of equipment requirements with the Cost Budget Plan is IDR 7,305,531 and the Implementation Budget Plan is IDR 6,604,394, with The difference in tool costs is IDR 701,137 or 9.60%. The Implementation Budget Plan obtained from the Edenfild Villa project is Rp. 432,125,553.70 with a difference between the Plan Budget (RAB) and the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) of Rp. IDR 104,864,964.44 or 19.86% of the Planned Cost Budget. Which means the cost of the Implementation Budget Plan (RAP) is smaller than the Cost Budget Plan (RAB) based on the 2023 AHSP.

