
  • Putu Aditya Darma Udyatmika Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Made Anom Santiana Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Gede Bambang Wahyudi Politeknik Negeri Bali


Contract, Change, Addition or Less


In implementing construction projects, various problems are often faced, one of which is change. These changes can appear at various stages of the project, whether at the beginning, middle, or end, and can come from requests from the owner, consultant, or contractor. These changes can include increasing or decreasing the volume of work, type of work, or even modifying technical specifications to suit field needs. The term used for this change is work plus less or change order. This research aims to determine work items and the magnitude of the influence that occurs due to lack of mining work. In the design of this research study, the method used is quantitative descriptive because the analysis studied is in the form of cost and time analysis of additional or less work (Change Order). In this thesis, the researcher wants to know the influence of additional employment and the impacts that arise as a result of additional employment. From data processing it was concluded that there were additions and reductions in volume for each work item, and the resulting cost effect was Rp. 377,327,278.50 or 1.15% of the construction contract value and there is no additional implementation time from the initial contract.

Author Biography

I Gede Bambang Wahyudi, Politeknik Negeri Bali

In implementing construction projects, various problems are often faced, one of which is change. These changes can appear at various stages of the project, whether at the beginning, middle, or end, and can come from requests from the owner, consultant, or contractor. These changes can include increasing or decreasing the volume of work, type of work, or even modifying technical specifications to suit field needs. The term used for this change is work plus less or change order. This research aims to determine work items and the magnitude of the influence that occurs due to lack of mining work. In the design of this research study, the method used is quantitative descriptive because the analysis studied is in the form of cost and time analysis of additional or less work (Change Order). In this thesis, the researcher wants to know the influence of additional employment and the impacts that arise as a result of additional employment. From data processing it was concluded that there were additions and reductions in volume for each work item, and the resulting cost effect was Rp. 377,327,278.50 or 1.15% of the construction contract value and there is no additional implementation time from the initial contract.

