Analisis Tingkat Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pada Proyek Pembangunan Embung Getakan Klungkung
Analysis, productivity, laborAbstract
The labor productivity is one of the essential things in the construction field. This research aims to investigate the level of productivity of the workforce in Embung Getakan Klungkung development project to find out what kind of factors are possible to influence the productivity level of a workforce in Embung Getakan Klungkung development project. A descriptive qualitative analysis method was applied in this study by collecting both primary and secondary data. Therefore, the researcher was able to present an illustration and a clear elaboration regarding a certain condition or phenomenon as well, with the result that the researcgher was able to draw a conclusion on the factors that affect the level of productivity by the workforce in embung gentakan klungkung development projct. According to Thomas and mattew, a productivity of labor can be translated by this synonym: labor productivity = (amount of produce)/(unit of time). Based on a statistical test by using 7 variables that have determined, there were some factors to be found out: age, work experience, commission, thw ability to work, education, work discipline, also the condition in the field and the material. It can be concluded that those fctors were affecting the labor productivity that was located in Embung Getakan Klungkung project and it figured out tht the factor of field condition and material were the ones which highly affecting the productivity of the workforce. From the level of productivity result, there’s a significant differentiation between index value of the workforce in the field with the SNI. The productivity of labor whose way exceeded the standard was 54% and the productivity of labor whose way less than the standard was 46%.