Analisis Optimalisasi Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Jadwal dan Biaya Proyek Dengan Asumsi Pemakaian Material Sesuai Rencana Awal (Studi Kasus: Gedung RKB SD No. 3 Sulangai)
Optimalization, Workers, Cost, TimeAbstract
In the SNI analysis, the labor and material coefficient are commonly used for every
construction work throughout Indonesia. The estimation made by experienced contractor
does not guarantee the optimum result if not supported with the accurate data. Hence, it
will conduce cost overrun and delay of the project. The purpose of this research is to
discover the outcome comparation between the actual labor coefficient and the planned
labor coefficient to cost and duration of the project. The research method to receive the
actual labor coefficient is carried out by examining the number of workers, duration
needed and completed work volume in each particular work. As a result, from the cost
side, the outcome of worker’s optimalization shows there is 5.43% reduction in Real Cost
RAB Gedung RKB from Rp. 2,140,478,600.95 to Rp. 2,024,196,691.05. As for the
duration, the outcome shows there is 4 days acceleration in completing the whole project
from 177 days to 173 days.