Merancang Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris: English for Events


  • Budi Susanto Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Majid Wajdi Politeknik Negeri Bali


learning model, student skills, building student confidence, fun learning


This paper discusses an active and interactive learning model that emphasizes student-based learning with the role of a teacher as a mentor, consultant, and the role of parent. The method of observation and document study is used to provide the data of the research, completed by recording and field-note techniques. The student-active learning method is applied to provide students a learning experience. The course instructor explains in outline and detail but only uses about 10-20% of the available learning time. The remaining 80-90% of the time belongs to students to study, practice, and carry out learning activities individually, in pairs, and in groups. The ultimate goal of this learning model is to (1) improve speaking and writing skills, (2) improve digital skills, (3) add student youtube content, 4) increase self-confidence and other aspects of soft skills.



How to Cite

Susanto, B. ., & Wajdi, M. . (2022). Merancang Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris: English for Events. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Bahasa Dan Pengajaran Bahasa, 4(1), 230–242. Retrieved from