Designing English Learning Materials for Electrical Engineering Students as Occupational Purposes


  • Ni Nyoman Yuliantini Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Gusti Ayu Putu Dewi Paramita Politeknik Negeri Bali


EOP learning materials, English electrical engineering, needs, model development.


This research was designed using the ADDIE’s model development. The subjects included experts practitioners in the electrical engineering, English language instructors, and students. The objects were focused on needs containing the topics, sub topics, and the language aspects like texts, social functions, lexicon, text structure and grammar, meaning as well. The objective of this research was to assess and analyze a need and develop job related learning material for EOP. O’Donnell’s
technique were deploying to assessed and analyzed the needs of EOP learning materials. An interview guide and rating scales were used to assess and analyze needs and to validate the draft and final EOP learning materials. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The research findings show that the needs learning materials for EOP
topics in Electrical engineering, Electrical Circuit Elements and sub topics Active Element, Passive Element, Series and Parallel element, and the language aspects, namely descriptive and procedure text genres; text social function, namely a description and procedure, Electrical lexical items, descriptive and procedure text structures, list of denotative meanings of the words used in the text.



How to Cite

Yuliantini, N. N. ., & Paramita, I. G. A. P. D. . (2022). Designing English Learning Materials for Electrical Engineering Students as Occupational Purposes. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Bahasa Dan Pengajaran Bahasa, 4(1), 182–191. Retrieved from