Interferensi dalam Penggunaan Bahasa Bali pada Lagu Populer Berbahasa Bali
interferensi, sosiolinguistik, kata, frasaAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe interference based on the origin of absorption elements, interference in terms of field, and factors that influence the occurrence of interference in the use of Balinese in Balinese Popular Songs. This research is a descriptive-qualitative study with primary data obtained directly from data sources. The data were collected by a listening method assisted by note-taking techniques. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods based on the inductive paradigm, that is, the paradigm from specific to general. The results of the study are presented using
formal and informal methods. This research is based on sociolinguistic theory with the basic concept of interference. The results show that based on language sources, internal and external interferences were found and based on fields, interference was found in the fields of vocabulary (lexicon) and syntax. Internal interference comes from cognate languages, namely Indonesian and Javanese while external interference comes from English. At the vocabulary level, interference was found in the form of basic words and derivative words (words, rewording, and compound words) while at the syntactic level interference was found in the form of phrases with modified-modifier (D-M) and modifiermodified (M-D) patterns. There are several factors that influence the occurrence of interference in the use of Balinese in Balinese Popular Songs, namely: the relationship between Balinese and Indonesian and Javanese, which is both cognate languages. This interference occurs also due to factors of the development of the times so that communication between speakers of different languages influences each other. Finally, interference occurs because the Balinese-speaking factor is bilingual.