Types of Code Switching Applied in Arnold Poernomo YouTube Video


  • Marselina Bia Universitas Mahasaraswati
  • I Putu Andri Permana Universitas Mahasaraswati


code-switching, Arnold Poernomo, Youtube Video


Nowdays code switching become part of daily conversation of the people around the world. People often switch from one code into another code in their communication, that is called code switching. The objective of this study is focused on finding out the types of code switching that applied in Arnold Poernomo Youtube video, from the dialogue with his interlocutor named Renata
Moeloek. This study was used descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data collected from the Youtube video. The theory used is the theory proposed by Appel and Muysken (1987).  The study focuses on the use of code switching from Indonesian language to English language in Arnold Poernomo Youtube Video. In this channel the research has been found that the youtuber often do switch between two languages in the same time. To collect the data, audio-visual documentation method was used. It as been done by compiling and then examining the audio-visual data, through several techniques which browsing, downloading, watching, transcribing, and classifying. The types of code switching that appears most often in Arnold Poernomo Youtube video is intrasentential, with 43 data (57,3%). Here the writer hopes, this study can give the contribution to improve the knowledge about sociolinguistic skill especially about code switching, because learn code switching can helps us to develop communication and language skills and learn more especially about English language that very important in this era as an international language. This study also can be useful for the viewer in general as reference so they can understand the use of language on the Youtube video that often select code switching frequently.



How to Cite

Bia, M. ., & Permana, I. P. A. . (2022). Types of Code Switching Applied in Arnold Poernomo YouTube Video. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Riset Bahasa Dan Pengajaran Bahasa, 4(1), 1–7. Retrieved from https://ojs2.pnb.ac.id/index.php/SENARILIP/article/view/843