Analisis Kesalahan Ejaan pada Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Program Studi D-III Perhotelan, Jurusan Pariwisata di Politeknik Negeri Bali Tahun 2021
spelling analysis, final project, D-III hospitality, tourismAbstract
The final assignment is a written work prepared by students based on the results of research on a problem found. Writing final assignments often becomes an obstacle for students in planning their writing. This obstacle is due to students' lack of competence in knowing how to write according to spelling. The need for guidance and guidance for students in solving existing writing problems. This research is to examine writing errors in students' final assignments, where several spelling errors were found including the use of punctuation, writing errors, errors in the use of capital letters, errors in the use of prepositions, and errors in the use of italics. The data collection method used in this study is documentation. The technique used uses reading, note-taking and analysis techniques. The subject of this research is the Final Assignment of D-III Hospitality Students of the Tourism Department at the Bali State Polytechnic in 2021. The object of this research is spelling errors in students' Final Assignments which were taken from the library randomly as many as 8 Final Assignments